导热系数通常被翻译为"conductive coefficient -"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"thermal conductivity -",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到88个与导热系数相关的短语释义和例句。
1. conductive coefficient -
导热系数翻译为 conductive coefficient -。
This is the governing equation, where the thermal conductivity is a function of temperature.
2. thermal conductivity -
导热系数翻译为 thermal conductivity -。
The thermal conduction of a composite medium with variable thermal conductivities is discussed.
3. thermal conductivity -
导热系数翻译为 thermal conductivity -。
The main test of plastic, glass, fiber, thermal conductivity of foam materials.
4. heat conductivity
导热系数翻译为 heat conductivity。
示例:- Well, we just robbed a bank.
∮The heat is on On the street∮
1. heat conductivity coefficient(导热系数)
2. thermal conductivities(导热系数)
3. thermal coefficient(导热系数,导热率)
4. equilibrium conductivity(衡导热系数)
5. equivalent heat conductivity(量导热系数)
Theoretical Thermal Conductivity ( 理论导热系数 )
film coefficient of heat transfer ( 薄膜导热系数 )
Thermal Conductivity and Resistivity ( 导热系数和热阻 )
Thermal conductivty of soil coefficient of soil thermal conductivity ( 土壤导热系数 )
conductivity of materials ( 材料导热系数 )
formation thermal conductivity ( 地层导热系数 )
Overall thermal conductance ( 总导热系数 )
equivalence heat conduction coefficients equivalent thermal conductivity coefficient ( 等效导热系数 )
ZKY - BRDR ( 导热系数测定仪 )
1. But still, if you just took that data from that crash to the federal government, and said, "i have invented a new car seat.
译文:但是如果你单把 500 这个危险系数, 给看,跟他们说:“ 我设计了一个新的汽车安全座椅,(危险系数是500。)。
2. The door's made of titanium;
译文:这个门是钛制的 导热性特别差 The door's made of titanium。
3. 'Cause silver conducts heat fast.
译文:因为银导热很快 'Cause silver conducts heat fast.。
4. Okay, we need something strong yet pliable that can withstand the coefficient of friction.
译文:你需要牢固并且柔软的东西 要能承受摩擦系数。
5. Engage those ons to activate the alpha circuit and lock the modular grid.
译文:用那些按钮去启动阿法回路 锁住系数。
6. We calculate out the most comfortable embracing figures of women.
7. Yes, i want to check how safe the locks are.
译文:是的 我想检查锁的安全系数如何。
8. Since we know the leading coefficient is... we know, this ladies.
9. You know how hard that is?
10. - The Wolowitz Coefficient?
11. But still, if you just took that data from that crash to the federal government, and said, "i have invented a new car seat.
译文:但是如果你单把 500 这个危险系数, 给看,跟他们说:“ 我设计了一个新的汽车安全座椅,(危险系数是500。)。
12. Diane has gone into labour... nine weeks early.
译文:同时分娩三个婴儿的产妇 危险系数极大。
13. HALO data chips should be weightless surrounded by a hollow core that prevents thermal induction.
译文:"HALO"数据芯片几乎没重量 外面包着一层导热空心管。
14. Her B-sample had the same marker ratios as the Notorious Six.
译文:她的本和"六人帮"有着 同样的标记系数。
15. However, these two countries have the identical GiNi Coefficient, which is a measure of income equality.
译文:与此同时,这两个国家 有相同的基尼系数, 基尼系数反应收入平等的状况。
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