可追溯的英语翻译是" Traceable",在日常中也可以翻译为"traceability -",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到68个与可追溯相关的短语释义和例句。
1. Traceable
可追溯翻译为 Traceable。
These cheerful little trams, dating back to 1873, chug and sway up the towering hills with bells ringing and people hanging from every opening.
2. traceability -
可追溯翻译为 traceability -。
The brooch dates back to the fourth century BC.
3. Can be traced back
可追溯翻译为 Can be traced back。
The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages.
4. traceability
示例:Seafood has a really complex supply chain, and at every step in this supply chain, there's an opportunity for seafood fraud, unless we have traceability.
海鲜产品有着非常复杂的供应链, 在供应链的每一个环节中 都有海产品的机会, 除非我们有追踪系统。
1. reptible( 可追溯)
2. retraceable( 可追溯)
3. secondable( 可追溯)
4. traceability code(可追溯码)
5. nontraceable( 不可追溯)
traceability Track and trace Tracealibity Food Traceability ( 可追溯性 统计 )
TRACEABLE retroactive retro ective ( 可追溯的 )
date back to go back to ( 可追溯到 )
Traceability System Traceable system ( 可追溯系统 )
traceable system Traceability System ( 可追溯体系 )
Requirements Traceability ( 需求的可追溯性 )
traceable cost ( 可追溯成本 )
Food Traceability System ( 食品可追溯体系 )
FVT Full Value Traceability ( 全面价值可追溯性 )
1. Now, i am told that the plutonium in this facility has its own signature and can be traced.
译文:现在,有人告诉我,钚 在这工厂都有自己的签名... ... 和可追溯。
2. So what this figure shows is that spiders date back to almost 380 million years.
译文:所以该图表显示,蜘蛛的出现 可追溯至约3.8亿年前。
3. A knight who can trace his lineage back beyond Charlemagne.
译文:他的血统可追溯至 查理曼大帝之前的时代。
4. ♪ i trace it all back to then
译文:♪ 一切都可追溯到当时。
5. We find it in every population around the world at all time periods going back tens of thousands of years.
6. The archives go back quite far, perhaps there was a clerical error.
译文:档案资料可追溯到很久之前 或许是行政方面失误。
7. So what this figure shows is that spiders date back to almost 380 million years.
译文:所以该图表显示,蜘蛛的出现 可追溯至约3.8亿年前。
8. The bloodline come from Abraham, Abraham to David, David to Jesus of Nazareth,
译文:这一血统可追溯至亚伯拉罕 亚伯拉罕到大卫。
9. Now, quantum biology isn't new; it's been around since the early 1930s.
译文:其实量子生物学也不算新学科; 它的历史可追溯至20世纪30年代。
10. You're thinking induced regression?
11. One long chain of events that stretched all the way back before Larkhill.
译文:一长串的事件 可追溯到远在拉克希尔之前。
12. The origins of osteoarthritis can often be traced to a patient’s early life, from any seemingly ordinary joint injury.
译文:骨关节炎的病根,通常可追溯到 患者早些年看似普通的关节损伤。
13. All fears and neurosis can be traced back to our early childhood.
14. Mrs. Grant, how does it feel To be a part of a tradition that dates back to 1817?
译文:Grant夫人 能参加一场 可追溯到1817年的传统节日感觉如何。
15. Today, most people with sickle-cell disease can trace their ancestry to a country where malaria is endemic.
译文:如今,多数患有镰状细胞性贫血的人, 其祖先可追溯到 疟疾流行的国家。
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