行期通常被翻译为" departure date"的意思,还可以翻译为date of departure,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到38个与行期相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. departure date
行期翻译为 departure date。
While travelling she missed the comforts of home.
2. date of departure
行期翻译为date of departure。
Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played.
1. initial learning period(运行期)
2. journey duration(旅行期)
3. migratory stage(移行期)
4. trransitory period(移行期)
5. uptime(运行期间 )
under downward pressure ( 下行期 )
Runtime Errors ( 运行期错误 )
Runtime Type Identification RTTI ( 执行期类型识别 )
Issue of ( 发行期 )
RTTI Runtime Type Information ( 运行期类型信息 )
1. But during a pandemic, researchers employ numerous strategies to move through each stage as quickly as possible.
译文:但是在疫情大流行期间, 研究人员会应用大量的方法, 去尽可能快的通过每个阶段的试验。
2. it would gross a staggering $450,000 during its theatrical run, and would place Universal Pictures firmly on the map as one of the major players in the blossoming movie industry.
译文:总值达到了惊人的 $ 450,000戏剧运行期间 并放置通用 牢牢地图上的图片 的主要参与者之一 朵朵的电影业。
3. When Brian Jones and i were flying around the world, the weather man asked us, one day, to fly quite low, and very slow.
译文:当布赖恩 琼斯和我环球飞行期间, 气象员有一天要求我们飞的 很低,而且要很慢。
4. You're on probation, right?
5. i think you need a pilot in the plane that can talk to the universities, that can talk to students, talk to politicians during the flight, and really make it a human adventure.
译文:我认为你需要在飞机里有一位飞行员 他可以和大学探讨, 可以和学生们探讨, 甚至在飞行期间和政客们交谈, 使之真正成为人类的冒险。
6. in the SARS epidemic, we learned in Hong Kong that most of transmission was because people were removing their masks improperly.
译文:在SARS流行期间,我们知道在香港 大部分传播是因为 人们摘口罩时不正确的方法。
7. The greatest moment for me when i'm sailing is the moment that the land disappears.
译文:对我而言,航行期间最重要的时刻 就是陆地消失的那一霎那。
8. Please rest during this trip.
9. During the transport, you are limited to one military duffle bag that's given to you to carry your personal articles.
译文:飞行期间允许带进舱内的物品 仅限于发给大家 每人一个的军用背包。
10. i think you need a pilot in the plane that can talk to the universities, that can talk to students, talk to politicians during the flight, and really make it a human adventure.
译文:我认为你需要在飞机里有一位飞行员 他可以和大学探讨, 可以和学生们探讨, 甚至在飞行期间和政客们交谈, 使之真正成为人类的冒险。
11. - i lent her my car while i'm traveling.
12. My apprenticeship will be over before anyone calls.
13. As it was operating, my students and i were very interested in how people were interacting with each other, and what they were doing with the garden.
译文:在它运行期间,我和我的学生都很感兴趣 人们直接如何彼此互动 他们在花园里做什么。
14. in the SARS epidemic, we learned in Hong Kong that most of transmission was because people were removing their masks improperly.
译文:在SARS流行期间,我们知道在香港 大部分传播是因为 人们摘口罩时不正确的方法。
15. No, it's just i hate the fact that they put finals after the holiday.
译文:学校在放假后举行期末考 实在是太可恶了。
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