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中国古代句子用英语怎么说 中国古代句子英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-19 10:24:17
  • 84

中国古代句子用英语怎么说 中国古代句子英语翻译

中国古代句子的英语翻译是"spade money",还网络中常译为"yamen",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到38个与中国古代句子相关的翻译和例句。

2. in ancient China, that means in exile, because Chinese emperors, they put their political enemies in exile beyond mountains.

译文:在古代中国,这意味着, 因为中国的皇帝把政敌 流放到大山之外。

3. But i heard that the insurance fee for "dwelling in the Fuchun mountains" scroll is as high as one billion yuan.

译文:但是我听说一幅中国古画 《富春山居图》的保额高达十亿。

4. it's an ancient Chinese combat technique in which pressure points are used to disable or disorient the opponent.

5. He derived the Power Fist moves from ancient Chinese martial arts moves.

6. if you want to feel the future, if you want to taste the future, try China -- there's old Confucius.

译文:如果你想感知未来,如果你想感触未来, 看,这是古代的孔子。

7. Well, mathematicians dating back as early as ancient China came up with a way to represent arrays of many numbers at once.

译文:好吧,早在中国古代的数学家 想出了用数组的方法来一次性表示很多数字。

8. A change that is deeply rooted in ancient Chinese philosophies.

9. in fact, the Chinese emperor once traded it for 15 cities.

10. Continuing on, talking about the importance of the Chinese ancient mindset that they were into this whole idea of cosmic retribution.

译文:继续刚刚主题,来说说中国古老思想的重要性 世间报应充满整个概念。

11. Ancient Chinese isn't my forte.

12. Sun Tzu was a general of ancient imperial China... and he teaches us, paraphrasing, of course:

13. So, this is like the local cause ware.

14. This ancient Chinese torture instrument is for extracting eye.

15. Heart beat. The ancient Chinese believe.. you were only given a limited number of heart beat when you were born.


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