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没有不良反应用英语怎么说 没有不良反应英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-02 05:35:32
  • 102

没有不良反应用英语怎么说 没有不良反应英语翻译

没有不良反应的英语可以这样说:untoward effect,在日常中也可以翻译为"maledictine",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到60个与没有不良反应相关的短语释义和例句。

译文:目前为止,还有没有因为此病毒 而引起任何严重不良反应的报告 还有最后一点要重视的大隐患,就是蛋白质其本身。

3. Well, coral reefs, you know, a beautiful, bio-diverse part of the Earth, the fact that that's disappearing should have all of us worried, just like the canary in the coal mine.

译文:如果鸟发生不良反应就得出来 因为这表示矿坑里有毒气聚积 珊瑚礁是。

4. Maybe the priests had a bad reaction to it and the locals panicked and dumped the bodies.

译文:也许 祭司有不良反应吧 和当地人恐慌 和倾倒的尸体。

5. He's reacting badly to the coagulant.

6. Negative consumer reaction.

7. it's adverse drug reactions like these that are, by some estimates, the number four leading cause of death in the United States.

译文:这些药物的不良反应, 据估算,是美国境内的 第4大死因。我自己的爷爷就是在使用了。

8. Poor diet, bad genes, irresponsible lifestyle.

9. So far, we haven't seen overt reactions of any severity to these molecules or to the illumination of the brain with light.

译文:目前为止,我们还没有因这些分子或者 因光照大脑 而产生的严重不良反应。

10. Works wonders, although i do caution you, some people have a temporarily bad reaction.

译文:创造奇迹,尽管我得提醒您 有些人群有暂时性的不良反应。

11. it might attract the wrong type of tenant. The train service has improved so.

12. ECT is commonly used to treat severe cases of major depression or bipolar disorder in patients who haven’t responded to other therapies, or who have had adverse reactions to medication.

译文:ECT主要用于治疗其他疗法无效的 重度抑郁或燥郁症病人, 或是对药物有不良反应的病人。

13. So when you did this before, you never got any side effects, right?

14. Now, obviously it wasn't fatal, but unfortunately, some of these adverse drug reactions can be fatal.

译文:现在,当然没有致命, 但不幸的是,有些 药品的不良反应确是致命的。

15. There are other things like genetic differences in populations that may lead to at-risk populations that are at risk of having an adverse drug reaction.

译文:还有其他的影响因素,像不同人群间的 遗传差异 可能会导致一部分高危人群, 承受药物不良反应的风险。


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