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afterglow是什么意思 afterglow的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-25 13:41:42
  • 322

afterglow是什么意思 afterglow的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:♪ i never went in For afterglow ♪

翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei}♪ I never went in ♪ ♪ For afterglow ♪。



例句:We back so far up we're finally seeing a containment around us -- the afterglow of the Big Bang.

翻译:我们回到非常早以前, 我们最终能看见围绕我们存在的密闭空间 -- 也就是宇宙大爆炸后的余晖。



例句:This is an image of the afterglow of the big bang.




afterglow一般作为名词使用,如在flowing afterglow technology(流动余辉技术)、long afterglow(长余辉)、Long Afterglow Phosphor(长余辉材料)等常见短语中出现较多。

flowing afterglow technology流动余辉技术
long afterglow长余辉
Long Afterglow Phosphor长余辉材料
medium afterglow中余辉
flowing afterglow technology流动余辉技术
Long Afterglow Phosphor长余辉材料


1. This is an image of the afterglow of the big bang.


2. Keep her between us and the afterglow.


3. its faint afterglow is still visible to astronomers today.

翻译:这种微弱的余光仍然 逃不过现在天文学家的慧眼.。

4. This one's got more stamina, but he's less caring in the afterglow.

翻译:这一个精力更旺盛 但事后就没那么热情了。

5. We've mapped the afterglow with spectacular precision, and one of the shocks about it is that it's almost completely uniform.

翻译:我们极其精确地 测绘了这个余辉, 其中一个让人非常震惊的发现是, 它几乎是完全一致的。

6. Now, this was in the afterglow of that great 2008 election: the election during which a serious, moderate senator stressed, "The message you've got to send more than any other message is that Barack Obama is just like us."

翻译:那时,国会选举还在伟大的 2008总统选举后的余晖中, 在国会选举中,一位 严肃谦逊的参议员说道, “你得向外所传播一条比 其他任何都要传播得多的信息, 那就是就像咱们。”。

7. The Big Bang: i would love to be able to explore the first few moments of the Universe, but we'll never see them, because the Big Bang itself is obscured by its own afterglow.

翻译:再举个例子,大爆炸。我很想研究 宇宙初始的时刻发生的一切, 但是我们已经无法看到了, 因为大爆炸本身 已经被其发出的余辉所掩盖。

8. But if you keep looking further and further, eventually you see nothing for a long while, and then finally you see a faint, fading afterglow, and it's the afterglow of the Big Bang.

翻译:但是如果你一直看下去, 最终会有一段时间内你什么也看不到, 最终你会看到一阵微弱的,若隐若现的余辉, 那是宇宙大爆炸的余辉。

9. Hey, Lauren. Your afterglow is amazing.

翻译:嘿 萝伦 你那个之后很美。

10. Now, we've mapped that afterglow with great precision, and when i say we, i mean people who aren't me.

翻译:如今,我们已经能够非常精确地 测绘这个余辉, 当我说“我们”的时候,其实并不包括我。

11. Number one: if the universe lasts for 10 to the 10 to the 120 years, why are we born in the first 14 billion years of it, in the warm, comfortable afterglow of the Big Bang?

翻译:第一:如果宇宙会存在10到10的120次方年 我们为什么出生于 最初的140亿年间 出生于这大爆炸带来的温暖 舒适的环境中。

but i call that an afterglow.

翻译,老兄, 我觉得这样子像是在谈恋爱。

13. ♪ Here in the afterglow of day ♪


14. - ..afterglow that's important to a woman.

翻译:是个对女人而言很重要的快乐回忆 - 嗯哼。

15. The best evidence for dark matter today comes from measurements of something called the cosmic microwave background, the afterglow of the Big Bang, but that's another story.

翻译:如今,暗物质存在的最佳证明 是测量一种 叫“宇宙微波背景辐射”的余辉, 产生在宇宙大爆炸中, 那又是另一个故事了。


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