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normalcy是什么意思 normalcy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-09-14 10:24:26
  • 126

normalcy是什么意思 normalcy的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:So he found some normalcy with this chick, and now it's gone... again.

翻译:他在她身上找到了常人的感觉 然后再一次消失了。



例句:All we want is to, you know, have some kind of normalcy here.




normalcy一般作为名词使用,如在normalcy bias([网络] 正常化偏见)等常见短语中出现较多。

normalcy bias[网络] 正常化偏见


1. Papa Bear likes to maintain a semblance of normalcy for his family, so the estate grounds will be far more heavily guarded than inside the house itself.

翻译:熊爸爸希望表面看起来一切如常 以免惊动家人 所以外部戒备要比内部更加森严。

2. This man refused to fold to the conventions of normalcy and just decided to fold.

翻译:他决意不走寻常路 他折起了纸。

3. it became easier to feel a sense of normalcy.


4. As a matter of fact, there are signs of normalcy - the beautiful spring weather, the tourist crowds around the public monuments and other buildings.

翻译:实际上,一切似乎正常... 春和日丽 游客涌向纪念碑和其他建筑。

5. This man refused to fold to the conventions of normalcy and just decided to fold.

翻译:他决意不走寻常路 他折起了纸。

6. This is the closest five minutes of normalcy i've had in eight months.


7. in a month of such normalcy.


8. There's a new gene therapy that certain patients have responded well to, which could get us to normalcy faster.

翻译:有一个新的基因疗法 某些患者 反应良好, 这可以让我们 到常态更快。

9. The only thing that betrays this pretense of normalcy is her garden.

翻译:唯一能拆穿这种常态掩饰的 就是她的花圃。

10. Her dedication to normalcy allowed Ashley to stave off a seasonally-augmented sense of melancholy, which prevented her from regressing back to the darkness she had completely left behind.

翻译:她的执着常态 允许阿什利避开 经季节性增加 忧郁感, 这阻止了她 从回归 回到黑暗。

11. - The truth is... i think i have a better chance at achieving normalcy in Boston.

翻译:事实上 我觉得留在波士顿 会更有助于我的恢复。

12. it's not gonna be easy, but we need to... reestablish a sense of normalcy...

翻译:我知道这很困难 但大家还是要... 回归正常生活状态...。

13. Yeah, 'cause bootlegging smack in the bat is just the picture of normalcy.

翻译:没错 在地下室非法注入再正常不过了。

14. i think the greatest adversity that we've created for ourselves is this idea of normalcy.

翻译:我认为,我们给自己创造的最大的困境 是"正统"这一概念。

15. When i first started school, i was the picture of normalcy.

翻译:当我刚开始上学时, 我看上去和普通人一样。




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