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paralympics是什么意思 paralympics的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-13 15:26:27
  • 137

paralympics是什么意思 paralympics的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:SS: So, then Aimee makes it to the 1996 Paralympics, and she's all excited. Her family's coming down -- it's a big deal.

翻译:谢丽尔:这样,艾米参加了1996年的残奥运,™ 她非常激动。她全家都去了--那可是大事件。



例句:And i find myself looking at the Paralympics and thinking what an incredible model that is.

翻译:我发现自己开始观看残奥会, 并开始感叹这是一个多么 让人难以置信的典范。



例句:Special Olympics is separate from the Paralympics and Olympics.




paralympics一般作为名词使用,如在the Paralympics(n. 残疾人奥运会;残奥会\n[网络] 残障奥运会;残障奥运)等常见短语中出现较多。

the Paralympicsn. 残疾人奥运会;残奥会\n[网络] 残障奥运会;残障奥运


1. Special Olympics is separate from the Paralympics and Olympics.


2. And i found myself looking at the Paralympics and thinking how incredible how technology's been harnessed to prove beyond doubt that disability is no barrier to the highest levels of sporting achievement.

翻译:当我观看残奥会 想着科技已经证明 残疾不再是 高水平体育成就的障碍。

3. And i found myself looking at the Paralympics and thinking how incredible how technology's been harnessed to prove beyond doubt that disability is no barrier to the highest levels of sporting achievement.

翻译:当我观看残奥会 想着科技已经证明 残疾不再是 高水平体育成就的障碍。

4. The Paralympics, just for a little bit of clarification, are the Olympics for people with physical disabilities -- amputees, persons with cerebral palsy, and wheelchair athletes -- as opposed to the Special Olympics, which deals with people with mental disabilities.

翻译:残奥会,先提一下, 那是为有身体残障的人们设立的奥运会-- 截肢者,患大脑性瘫痪的人,还有坐轮椅的运动员-- 和特殊奥运会相反, 那是专门为智利障碍人士设立的。

5. We are going to call it the British Paraorchestra, because with the world's eyes on London next year and particularly on the Paralympics, we want to throw down the gauntlet to every single other country that is represented there, to say to them, "Here's our paraorchestra.

翻译:我们将称它为 “英国残疾人管弦乐队”, 因为当明年,世界 将目光投向伦敦的时候, 尤其在残奥会时, 我们将向全世界发起挑战, 对在场的每一个国家代表队说, “这是我们的残疾人管弦乐队。

6. SS: So, then Aimee makes it to the 1996 Paralympics, and she's all excited. Her family's coming down -- it's a big deal.

翻译:谢丽尔:这样,艾米参加了1996年的残奥运,™ 她非常激动。她全家都去了--那可是大事件。

7. At the Barcelona '92 Paralympics...


8. The Paralympics, just for a little bit of clarification, are the Olympics for people with physical disabilities -- amputees, persons with cerebral palsy, and wheelchair athletes -- as opposed to the Special Olympics, which deals with people with mental disabilities.

翻译:残奥会,先提一下, 那是为有身体残障的人们设立的奥运会-- 截肢者,患大脑性瘫痪的人,还有坐轮椅的运动员-- 和特殊奥运会相反, 那是专门为智利障碍人士设立的。




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