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sprawling是什么意思 sprawling的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-19 03:58:01
  • 48

sprawling是什么意思 sprawling的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:That discussion took place right here in this room, one of the many conference rooms in this sprawling hotel today known as the Jekyll island Club Hotel.

翻译:新的中央银行的名称。这个问题在这间房子里讨论 它是庞大酒店的一间会议室。



例句:Hidden within this sprawling desert, 250 Miles South of Cairo...

翻译:这个庞大的沙漠中隐藏, 250开罗南。



例句:indians. it's just-it's great, sprawling New Yorker stuff.

翻译:的印地安人,简直是 棒透的纽约客题材。



例句:Now we have sprawling residential suburbias that are well distinct from production areas and commercial areas.

翻译:现在我们有广阔的住宅郊区 它很好地与生产区域 和商业领域分别开。



sprawling一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在send someone sprawling(把某人在地)、sprawling ((河网上的)分布堤)等常见短语中出现较多。

send someone sprawling把某人在地


1. indians. it's just-it's great, sprawling New Yorker stuff.

翻译:的印地安人,简直是 棒透的纽约客题材。

2. Now we have sprawling residential suburbias that are well distinct from production areas and commercial areas.

翻译:现在我们有广阔的住宅郊区 它很好地与生产区域 和商业领域分别开。

3. Knocked him sprawling. Some man, that texan.


4. i can't structure this. it's that sprawling New Yorker .


5. ...having allowed myself to imagine us back in my sprawling manor in England.

翻译:我真是笨,竟然会 想象着我们回到我广阔的庄园。

6. Welcome to this spectacular property, sprawling over...


7. along these corridors, through these salons and galleries, in this edifice of a bygone era, this sprawling, sumptuous, baroque, gloomy hotel, where one endless corridor follows another silent rooms where one's footsteps are absorbed

翻译:穿过这些走道、客厅和画廊 在这幢大厦中 这幢属于逝去的年代的奢华。

8. Just plain, sprawling' helpless.


9. You didn't mention anything about the sprawling manor and all the garments.

翻译:你刚才没提到大庄园和衣服 - 那太愚蠢了。

10. i have seen refugee camps as big as cities, sprawling in the desert.

翻译:我看过跟城市一样大的难民营 在沙漠里延伸开来。

11. There are sprawling mountain ranges and canyons, too.

翻译:还有很多延绵的山脉和峡谷 There are sprawling mountain ranges and canyons, too.。

12. The girl, my old love, the last lost time i saw her when she came to find me at a party, her drunkenly stumbling, falling, sprawling, skirt hiked, eyes veined red, swollen with tears, her shame, her dishonor.

翻译:这名女孩,我的旧爱, 好久不见 当她在派对上见到我, 她忘情地舞蹈,坠落 裙摆摇荡,眼里布满着血丝 骄傲的眼泪,她的 她的耻辱。

13. When we do get together it's such a sprawling clan...

翻译:不过聚在一起的话 可就是一大帮子...。

14. The girl, my old love, the last lost time i saw her when she came to find me at a party, her drunkenly stumbling, falling, sprawling, skirt hiked, eyes veined red, swollen with tears, her shame, her dishonor.

翻译:这名女孩,我的旧爱, 好久不见 当她在派对上见到我, 她忘情地舞蹈,坠落 裙摆摇荡,眼里布满着血丝 骄傲的眼泪,她的 她的耻辱。

15. "Three weeks gone and the combatants gone returning over the nightmare ground we found the place again, and found the soldier sprawling in the sun.

翻译:"三个星期已经过去 战士们已离开 重返噩梦之地 我们再次找到了这个地方, 发现一个士兵躺在太阳底下。




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