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brine是什么意思 brine的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-28 14:25:47
  • 90

brine是什么意思 brine的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:New sea-ice forming above leaves behind brine that is so extremely salty it sinks rapidly.

翻译:新的海冰在上面形成 留下极咸的盐水 它迅速下沉。



例句:The flies are filled with freshwater, filtered from the brine. So, like a desert wanderer squeezing a drink from a cactus, the birds get all the water they need from the flies' bodies.

翻译:filtered from the brine. 鸟儿们通过捕食苍蝇来获取淡水 {\3cH202020}the birds get all the water they need from the flies' bodies.。



例句:"Frolic in brine goblins be thine."

翻译:只闻声响... 亡魂再现。



例句:You're looking at brine pools formed by salt diapirs.




brine一般作为名词、动词使用,如在doublepipe brine cooler([网络] 双套管盐水冷却器)、effluent brine([化] 废盐水)、eutectic brine(un. 低共熔盐水)等常见短语中出现较多。

doublepipe brine cooler[网络] 双套管盐水冷却器
effluent brine[化] 废盐水
eutectic brineun. 低共熔盐水
false brinelling虚假硬度;摩擦腐蚀压痕
doublepipe brine cooler[网络] 双套管盐水冷却器
filtrated brine tank[化] 过滤盐水槽
fresh brine crystallization[轻] 新卤结晶
hot brine area热卤水区;热盐水区


1. "Frolic in brine goblins be thine."

翻译:只闻声响... 亡魂再现。

2. You're looking at brine pools formed by salt diapirs.


3. And also, the brine that's produced is oftentimes just pumped back out into the sea.


4. This is Artemia, a brine shrimp.


5. Suddenly, the sline fills with vast clouds of brine flies, billions of them.

翻译:突然大群的卤蝇云涌向海岸线 数十亿计。

6. But this will produce an equally massive amount of desalination brine.


7. So what we're doing at the moment is we're accumulating metals like calcium, potassium and magnesium from out of desalination brine.

翻译:我们现在正在做的 便是从浓盐水中累积像钙、钾和镁的一样的金属。便是从浓盐水中累积像钙、钾和镁的一样的金属。便是从浓盐水中累积像钙、钾和镁的一样的金属。

8. Captain, engine room reports minor flooding from shaft seals and brine pump.


9. And in parts of the Arabian Gulf, the seawater, the salinity is increasing steadily due to the discharge of waste brine from desalination plants.

翻译:而在海湾地区 海水里的盐份是稳定的在增加 因为有废卤水 从海水淡化厂排出。

10. You don't have to sit out here in the brine with your perm frizzing to oblivion.

翻译:真想在海里游泳,可是烫过的卷发是 不能泡在含盐的水中。

11. And so, the place that we took it to was this place called a Brine Pool, which is in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico.

翻译:所以,我们将设备 安置在墨西哥湾北部的 盐池区内。

12. No, Dr. Brine is not an octopus.

翻译:不对啊 布莱恩博士可不是什么八爪鱼 他是... No, Dr. Brine is not an octopus.。

13. These two areas are sponged down beforehand with a brine solution to conduct electricity.

翻译:两个地方已经预先用海绵蘸着盐水擦过了 以便导电。

14. My team has uncovered that Dr. Octavius Brine... is actually an individual known as Derek!

翻译:我的团队发现奥克塔维・布莱恩博士... My team has uncovered that Dr. Octavius Brine...。

15. These tendons to trees. This blood to brine.

翻译:肢骨化为大树 血浆变盐水。


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