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redwoods是什么意思 redwoods的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-09 15:53:02
  • 59

redwoods是什么意思 redwoods的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:There's a great story of his friend William Kent, who recognized there was a small patch of redwoods left on the base of Mount Tam, and so he quickly bought the land and donated it to this National Parks effort.

翻译:关于他的朋友· 肯特 (William Kent),有一个很精彩的故事, 他在塔姆山(Mount Tam)的 山脚下发现了一小片红杉, 于是他迅速买下了这片土地, 并把它捐给了国家公园。



例句:Where the growing season is longerm, there are alerce trees the redwoods of the south.

翻译:由于更长的生长季节, 南半球也有红杉 -智利柏树。



例句:One grove of redwoods in California contains three of the tallest trees on Earth.

翻译:加利福尼亚的这块红杉林 世界树木高度排行前三名的树都在这里。



redwoods一般作为名词使用,如在panama redwoods([网络] 巴拿马红木\n(panama redwood 的复数))、sierra redwoods([网络] 红木;山红木\n(sierra redwood 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

panama redwoods[网络] 巴拿马红木\n(panama redwood 的复数)
sierra redwoods[网络] 红木;山红木\n(sierra redwood 的复数)


1. One grove of redwoods in California contains three of the tallest trees on Earth.

翻译:加利福尼亚的这块红杉林 世界树木高度排行前三名的树都在这里。

2. Every year, four or five of you kids get killed up here... driving yourselves into redwoods or get paralyzed ing on nitrous... or blow yourselves up cooking meth.

翻译:所以我要提醒你们照看好你们自己 不然你们会被撕成碎片的。

3. it's like a cathedral of redwoods.

翻译:这就像 一个大教堂的红杉。

4. Now, here we see a reiteration in Chronos, one of the older Redwoods.


5. GDP counts everything from air pollution to the destruction of our redwoods.

翻译:GDP可以计算空气染 红木的染。

6. Look at his arms, they're like redwoods.

翻译:看看他的胳膊 像树干那么粗。

7. i look out for them and protect these precious redwoods.


8. There are two people climbing this tree, Gaya, which is thought to be one of the oldest Redwoods. There they are.

翻译:有两个人正爬着这棵树——盖亚(Gaia,希腊神话中的大地女神), 它被认为是最古老的红杉之一。那是他们两人。

9. Redwoods grow back into themselves as they expand into space, and this flying ress is a limb shot out of that small trunk, going back into the main trunk and fusing with it.

翻译:红杉向周围空间延伸的时候同时也向自身生长, 这个飞拱就是那根小树干长出的一根树枝, 它向主干生长,与之糅合。

10. To us, when we look at a Redwood tree, it seems to be motionless and still, and yet Redwoods are constantly in motion, moving upward into space, articulating themselves and filling Redwood space over Redwood time, over thousands of years.

翻译:对我们来说,当我们看着一棵红杉树,它似乎一动不动 但实际上它不停地在运动 向上生长,展现着自己 在几千年的红杉时间之中填满了整个红杉树林。

11. You can see the range of the Coast Redwoods. it's here, in red.


12. Redwoods grow very slowly in their tops.


13. Man, couple of fine young California redwoods.


14. What can the Redwoods tell us about ourselves?


15. Nobody knows how old the oldest living Coast Redwoods are because ody has ever drilled into any of them to count their annual growth rings, and, in any case, the centers of the oldest individuals appear to be hollow.

翻译:没有人知道最老的海岸红杉有多大岁数 因为没有人试过钻开他们 去数他们的年轮 并且这些最古老的树木的中心似乎是空的。




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