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boldly是什么意思 boldly的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-20 15:16:32
  • 98

boldly是什么意思 boldly的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Allow me to kiss your hand in veneration and affection... and venture so boldly as to offer every support an imperfect mortal -






1. Do it boldly and firmly, so it feels it.

翻译:只管大胆地做吧, 它会感觉到的。

2. And we embrace this new energy so boldly, embody it so fervently, that its reflection illuminates a great darkness.

翻译:通过这个形象很勇敢... ... 而体现出如此强烈。

3. We are at a pivotal time when we need to restore our confidence in humanity and stand boldly and visibly together.

翻译:我们处在一个关键的时间点, 我们需要重拾我们对人性的自信 并且勇敢而明显地站在一起。

4. Tell yourself you're finished with them... and work boldly and joyously.

翻译:把它们彻底忘掉 对自己说那些都结束了... 然后投入到勇敢和欢乐的工作之中。

5. She's boldly cast aside a slew of stale ideas but i think the formula is incomplete.

翻译:她大胆地抛开陈腐的概念 但方程序并不完整,还得等...。

6. She is directly and boldly... challenging an audience.

翻译:她更加直接 大胆地挑战大众的观念。

7. And so maybe this color stands out particularly boldly, as bats are concerned, in the moonlight.

翻译:所以也许 这种颜色对于蝙蝠来说 在月光下会很显眼。

8. Then you should sit here boldly.


9. She boldly, unblinkingly, even pugnaciously, wrathfully even, when her bottle was empty.

翻译:她激烈的,癫疯的 整个人防空。

10. is it my destiny to boldly venture forth to this party tonight?

翻译:我的命运是否注定我要冒险 大胆地去今晚的派对。

11. imagine living in a world where we simply recognize that deep, existential fear in one another and love one another boldly because we know that to be human is to live with that fear.

翻译:想像一下在一个世界中, 尽管我们意识到了 那深深存在的恐惧, 我们仍然勇敢地深爱着彼此 因为我们知道要得到人生的真谛, 必须学会与这种恐惧共存。

12. Not being affected by those around him, and boldly picking who he likes, that's definitely Sung Min Woo.

翻译:不随波逐流 坚持自己喜欢的 果然是我喜欢的晟敏宇。

13. To boldly go where no man has gone before?


14. i could slink off and continue as planned or i could go boldly to the door and discover what hope, if any, lay within.

翻译:我可以偷偷溜走,继续按计划上路 或者我可以大胆地走向那道门 发现里面有什么希望。

15. Boldly go where no man has gone before.

翻译:大胆探索... 之前没有男人进去过的地方。


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