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saluting是什么意思 saluting的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-19 03:23:38
  • 100

saluting是什么意思 saluting的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Every town stopped traffic, had police standing on the corner saluting him.

翻译:每个乡镇交通中断, 有站在角落 他敬礼。



例句:Because i hurt my arm saluting the flag.

翻译:我在对国旗敬礼的时候把手臂弄伤了 Because I hurt my arm saluting the flag.。



例句:When i saw those Chinese saluting us,




例句:Dude, no way i'm saluting you.

翻译:伙计 别想要我跟你敬礼。



saluting一般作为名词使用,如在saluting battery(礼砲砲组)、saluting by fire([网络] 放礼炮)、saluting gun(鸣放礼炮所用的炮)等常见短语中出现较多。

saluting battery礼砲砲组
saluting by fire[网络] 放礼炮
saluting gun鸣放礼炮所用的炮
saluting port礼炮鸣放港


1. When i saw those Chinese saluting us,


2. Dude, no way i'm saluting you.

翻译:伙计 别想要我跟你敬礼。

3. if we can just recognize all of those who are against Milosevic by saluting each other with a fist, he would probably be over within a few years.

翻译:he would probably be over within a few years.。

4. You can leave all that saluting, son. You're home now.

翻译:你可以不用敬礼 孩子 你已经到家了。

5. if you or any man on this post p me up without saluting even if i'm a block away, you'll wonder what fell on you.

翻译:如果你们再随便放人进来 你会尝到后果的。

6. There's the rampant phobia, no pep rallies for the debate team, which leads to the greater issue, i'm sure, of the highly fascist nature of pep rallies in general, speeches, saluting banners.

翻译:有猖獗的同性恋恐惧症 没有动员辩论队 这会导致更大的问题 我敢肯定 高度性质 一般的动员会。

7. i wish they'd stop saluting.


8. All that saluting. it's not my thing.

翻译:还有军礼那种东西 我实在不感兴趣。

9. Drop the McTeer case, or you'll be on guard duty at the State Capitol, saluting tourists.

翻译:别管Mcteer的案子了 否则就等着 去州大楼做门卫 给游客敬礼吧。

10. And i remember getting into the limousine and looking out, and i saw these men that obviously served in World War ll or Korea-- old men-- standing at attention and saluting him all the way down the street out of Kings Park.

翻译:我记得进入 在豪华轿车和寻找出来, 我看这三个人 这显然是服 在第一次世界大战LL或Korea。

11. i don't want to offend you, but you were just saluting the sky, and hell is under our feet, underground.

翻译:我不想wtr? ca? , 但映入你眼帘的天堂。

12. Your network led every report about the invasion of iraq with the screen-sized flag, the square-jawed saluting marine and the bald eagle soaring to Aaron Copland.

翻译:都加入满屏飘扬的国旗、神情肃穆 巍然致礼的陆战队士兵 还有翱翔的白天鹰(美国国鸟)以及 亚伦. 科普兰(美国现代作曲家)的音乐。

13. Uncle Sam standing naked at attention saluting.


14. Are you going to leave without saluting?

翻译:不敬礼就走吗 这小子。

15. i got no problem with wearing my uniform. Saluting the flag and doing my duty.





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