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embattled是什么意思 embattled的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-02 10:53:04
  • 138

embattled是什么意思 embattled的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Tanks manned by troops of the Special Forces ring Buddhist temples in Vietnam as the crisis in that embattled southeast Asian nation mounts to a climax.

翻译:特种控制坦克 越南寺庙的钟声 这个东南亚国家严阵以待危机。



例句:The men must be prepared to return to an embattled Nassau.




例句:We are following the story of the embattled Barden Bellas on their road to redemption.

翻译:我们正在跟踪报道严阵以待的巴顿大学贝拉合唱团 We are following the story of the embattled Barden Bellas 如何自我拯救的故事 on their road to redemption.。



例句:And, of course, representing America, the embattled Barden Bellas.

翻译:当然 处境艰难的巴顿大学贝拉合唱团要代表美国参赛 And, of course, representing America, the embattled Barden Bellas.。





1. We are following the story of the embattled Barden Bellas on their road to redemption.

翻译:我们正在跟踪报道严阵以待的巴顿大学贝拉合唱团 We are following the story of the embattled Barden Bellas 如何自我拯救的故事 on their road to redemption.。

2. And, of course, representing America, the embattled Barden Bellas.

翻译:当然 处境艰难的巴顿大学贝拉合唱团要代表美国参赛 And, of course, representing America, the embattled Barden Bellas.。

3. - They ain't for real. - Yes, a far cry from our embattled world.

翻译:看来也不是真的 对,一个跟残酷现实世界完全不一样的地方。

4. Embattled Defense Minister, Mal Paxton, defiantly ran the media *** to enter Parliament, this morning.

翻译:- I'll do it. - Possibly expelled. 危机中的长 马尔 帕克斯顿 Embattled Defense Minister, Mal Paxton。

5. The Catholic Church felt embattled, and the 20th century gave it plenty more reasons for that, for Pius X had missed the real, far more terrifying Modernism - the modernism of war.

翻译:教会觉得自己四面楚歌, 20世纪则让它更有理由如此认为。因为庇护十世未曾注意到真正的、 更为可怕的现代主义 -。

6. Meanwhile, Stalin grimly positions a million and a half fresh troops with m of tanks and artillery north and south of the embattled city.

翻译:此时,却聚集起了 一百五十万之众的生力军 和大量的坦克重炮 从南北两面逼近了这被包围的城市。

7. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel returns to his headquarters from an inspection tour of his embattled Normandy front.

翻译:埃尔文・隆美尔元帅 结束了对诺曼底前线的视察 正在返回指挥部的路上。

8. i think it was just that sense of kind of being a little bit embattled that the song has, and it also had, like, this hopefulness to it.

翻译:我觉得这首歌听起来有点儿 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}I think it was just that sense of being a little bit embattled 山穷水尽 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}that the song has. 但歌中又还带着点希望 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}And it also had this hopefulness to it.。




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