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beamed是什么意思 beamed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-23 15:26:51
  • 133

beamed是什么意思 beamed的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:So, i managed to get an SOS beamed into space.




例句:Oh, yes, sir. Snotty beamed me twice last night.




例句:it says here you were beamed into the vault.




例句:And almost all of our share of the Big Bang's energy is beamed to us by the sun.

翻译:而几乎所有 我们从宇宙大爆炸分到的能源 均由太阳支撑着的.。



beamed一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在magnetically beamed triode(磁束三极管)、magnetically beamed triode(磁束三极管)等常见短语中出现较多。

magnetically beamed triode磁束三极管
magnetically beamed triode磁束三极管


1. it says here you were beamed into the vault.


2. And almost all of our share of the Big Bang's energy is beamed to us by the sun.

翻译:而几乎所有 我们从宇宙大爆炸分到的能源 均由太阳支撑着的.。

3. it was like aliens beamed down and switched out her brain.

翻译:就像是外星人的电波 给她洗了脑。

4. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies.


5. The commercial showed this crazy old man claiming... aliens beamed him up right out of his bathtub.

翻译:只是一场商业秀... 一老家伙控诉外星人 把他从澡盆里劫走。

6. The codes were texted to Simon... and they were beamed to my phone.

翻译:代码是西蒙的texted ... 并且他们被发到我的电话。

7. Captain, i beamed someone up. He wants to join us!

翻译:- 船长,我这儿接收到某人的信号。

8. Only a high-frequency carrier wave, beamed into the brain could create such images.

翻译:用高频率载波发射入大脑 如此而已。

9. Finally, think back to this famous scene from election night 2008 back in the United States, where CNN beamed a live hologram of hip hop artist will.i.am into their studio for an interview with Anderson Cooper.

翻译:最后一点,让我们的思绪回到这个著名的一幕, 2008年的选举之夜, 在美国, CNN发送了一张嘻哈歌手”我是威尔“的 现场全息图去他们的演播室, 那是为安德森·库珀的采访准备的。

10. With a direct torpedo hit, you crippled our gravitational field and two of your Starfleet crew beamed aboard wearing magnetic boots.

翻译:你们派来的凶手穿了磁靴 你们有医生吗。

11. it takes place in an old wood-beamed hall - the zendo.


12. This beamed back up to us from an 8-foot thresher we threw in the lake.

翻译:镜头将讯号传回给我们... 那是我们抛到湖里的8尺长尾鲨。

13. Florida FBi just beamed over names of recent missing persons.

翻译:Florida调查分局传来了 最近的失踪人口名单。

14. Aye, sir, but i've never beamed up 400 tons before. 400 tons?

翻译:- 当然 从没运输过400吨东西。

15. And i ought to say, tonight's rather extraordinary because i know that there are many companies of The Phantom of the Opera watching this performance around the world because it's being beamed around the world tonight.

翻译:还有 我应该说今晚如此出色 因为我知道 有许多歌剧魅影的观众。


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