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peaceable是什么意思 peaceable的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-21 16:19:51
  • 122

peaceable是什么意思 peaceable的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

peaceable的中文解释是"和平的 、平静的",其次还有"和平的"的意思,单词读音音标为[p'i:səbəl],peaceable来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到90个与peaceable相关的用法和句子。



例句:The antianxiety medication Librium was given to cats selected for their meanness in the 1950s and made them into peaceable felines.

翻译:【利眠宁】----- 抗焦虑的药物 在上世纪50年代喂给根据恶劣程度挑选出的猫 然后让它们变的听话又温顺。



例句:Keep these horses peaceable.

翻译:别让马受惊 Keep these horses peaceable.。



例句:it's a very peaceable lifestyle.

翻译:那是一种非常和平的生活方式。It's a very peaceable lifestyle.。



例句:i must, amongst you, single out a miserable man who, after many years of living a peaceable and honest life in exile, decided, in a fatal moment, to return to the country where he was expressly proscribed.

翻译:single out a miserable man 他又离开终身忏悔之地 重新踏上将他驱逐的故土 to return to the country where he was expressly proscribed.。



peaceable一般作为名词使用,如在peaceable conduct([法] 温和行为, 规矩行为, 缓和行为)、peaceable kingdom([网络] 和平的王国;和平王国;平静的王国)等常见短语中出现较多。

peaceable conduct[法] 温和行为, 规矩行为, 缓和行为
peaceable kingdom[网络] 和平的王国;和平王国;平静的王国


1. it's a very peaceable lifestyle.

翻译:那是一种非常和平的生活方式。It's a very peaceable lifestyle.。

2. i must, amongst you, single out a miserable man who, after many years of living a peaceable and honest life in exile, decided, in a fatal moment, to return to the country where he was expressly proscribed.

翻译:single out a miserable man 他又离开终身忏悔之地 重新踏上将他驱逐的故土 to return to the country where he was expressly proscribed.。

3. Ours was a peaceable operation.


4. Yes, i'm sure Queen Cersei's reign will be quiet and peaceable.

翻译:反正也不剩几个人跟你抢了 with no one left to take them away from you. 是啊 我相信瑟曦女王的统治 Yes, I'm sure Queen Cersei's reign 必将充满祥和与安宁 will be quiet and peaceable.。

5. The Amish community of Pennsylvania are quiet and peaceable folk.

翻译:生活在宾夕法尼亚阿米绪 派社区的人们文静温和。

6. This good and peaceable man.

翻译:如此血腥 这个优秀温和的男人。

7. if not, the peaceable Wachatis will be obliterated.


8. Don't shoot, boys. i'll come peaceable.

翻译:别开枪 小伙子们 我带着和平来。

9. Hold still so i can take you in all peaceable-like!

翻译:别动 这样做我才能好好抓到你。


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