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frecuencia是什么意思 frecuencia的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-07-19 11:06:15
  • 380

frecuencia是什么意思 frecuencia的读音、翻译、用法



1. 物理频率:在物理学中,frequency指每秒钟重复发生的振动或周期数。频率通常用赫兹(Hz)来表示。


- The frequency of the waves was measured in Hertz.


- The radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 105.2 MHz.

(这个广播电台以105.2 MHz的频率播出。)

2. 统计意义上的频率:在统计学中,frequency指样本中某一事件发生的次数。它通常用来衡量某种现象的发生率。


- The frequency of hurricanes in this region has increased over the past decade.


- The survey showed a high frequency of depression among agers.


3. 音频信号处理:在音频领域中,freq通常指音频信号的频率。对于数字音频来说,频率可以用数字样本的数量来表示。


- The high-frequency sounds were particularly loud in the recording.


- The signal was processed to filter out frequencies above 10 kHz.

(该信号经过处理,滤除了高于10 kHz的频率。)


1. The frequency of earthquakes on the west coast of the United States is a cause for concern. (美国西海岸地震的频率令人担忧。)

2. The song's melody was written in a frequency range that is pleasing to the human ear. (这首歌的旋律在人耳可以接受的频率范围内。)

3. The frequency of traffic accidents on this road is higher than the national average. (这条路上交通事故的发生率高于全国平均水平。)

4. The audio engineer adjusted the EQ to boost the frequencies in the lower range. (音频工程师调整了均衡器,增强了低频。)

5. The frequency of meetings between the two companies has increased in recent months. (两家公司之间的会面频率在最近几个月里增加了。)


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