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oldenburg是什么意思 oldenburg的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-17 09:08:04
  • 163

oldenburg是什么意思 oldenburg的读音、翻译、用法



词组搭配:Oldenburg dynasty(Oldenburg王朝)、Oldenburg horse(Oldenburg马)、Oldenburgisch(Oldenburg语)


发音拼写:英式发音 /ˈəʊldənbɜːɡ/,美式发音 /ˈoʊldənbɝːɡ/


1. Oldenburg城市是下萨克森州的一个美丽的地方。(Oldenburg city is a beautiful place in Lower Saxony.)

2. Oldenburg曾经是一个重要的贸易中心。(Oldenburg used to be an important trading center.)

3. Oldenburg的历史可以追溯到1200年。(The history of Oldenburg can be traced back to 1200.)

4. Oldenburg马是世界著名的优秀马种之一。(The Oldenburg horse is one of the world's most famous and excellent horse breeds.)

5. Oldenburg王朝在丹麦、挪威、希腊等国家拥有重要的王位。(The Oldenburg dynasty held important thrones in countries such as Denmark, Norway, and Greece.)

6. Oldenburg大学是一个著名的综合性大学,其校园环境非常美丽。(Oldenburg University is a well-known comprehensive university with a beautiful campus.)

7. Oldenburg语是下萨克森州的一种方言,与标准德语有一定的差异。(Oldenburgisch is a dialect in Lower Saxony, which has some differences from standard German.)


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