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spurious是什么意思 spurious的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-12 12:29:54
  • 96

spurious是什么意思 spurious的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:Whether it was on Facebook or WhatsApp, indians were writing and sharing and reading all kinds of things: terrible jokes, spurious pop history, long, emotional confessions, diatribes against the government.

翻译:不管在脸书上,还是WhatsApp上, 印度人都在创作,分享和 阅读各种各样的题材: 低俗笑话、虚假流行历史、 长篇情感告白、 抨击的檄文。



例句:Then as you go further down at the bottom, what you can see is, over on this side, the spurious false negatives, and over on this side, the spurious false positives.

翻译:越往下 可以发现,这一边是伪造的假阴性结果 那边是伪造的假阳性结果。



例句:Your Lordship will recognise that matters of quite clearly spurious national security cannot be permitted to intervene on the prosecution's case.

翻译:最高法院是不会允许那些一看就是 假造的伪称之类的东西 干涉本案审判的。



例句:Then as you go further down at the bottom, what you can see is, on this side, spurious false negatives, and over on this side, spurious false positives.

翻译:越往下 可以发现,这一边是伪造的假阴性结果 那边是伪造的假阳性结果。



spurious一般作为形容词使用,如在electric spurious discharge(真放电)、electrical spurious discharge(乱真放电)、intermodulation spurious response([电子] 互调的寄生响应)等常见短语中出现较多。

electric spurious discharge真放电
electrical spurious discharge乱真放电
intermodulation spurious response[电子] 互调的寄生响应
leading spurious signal超前乱真信号
electric spurious discharge真放电
electrical spurious discharge乱真放电
intermodulation spurious response[电子] 互调的寄生响应
leading spurious signal超前乱真信号


1. Your Lordship will recognise that matters of quite clearly spurious national security cannot be permitted to intervene on the prosecution's case.

翻译:最高法院是不会允许那些一看就是 假造的伪称之类的东西 干涉本案审判的。

2. Then as you go further down at the bottom, what you can see is, on this side, spurious false negatives, and over on this side, spurious false positives.

翻译:越往下 可以发现,这一边是伪造的假阴性结果 那边是伪造的假阳性结果。

3. Lenin purged from the genuine teaching of Karl Marx all the spurious ingredients introduced by the social democracy.

翻译:将的杂质 从正统思想中剔除。

4. Any specious claims and spurious information!


5. Anyone who tries to tell you that they know the future is just trying to own it, a spurious kind of manifest destiny.

翻译:任何试图告诉你他们知道未来的人, 他们只是试图拥有未来, 这是一种虚假的天定命运。


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