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moratorium是什么意思 moratorium的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-29 04:19:38
  • 43

moratorium是什么意思 moratorium的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:The New York legislature passed a one-year moratorium on drilling throughout New York, and the federal government was also taking a look.

翻译:钻探决定 暂停十年。



例句:For two years, a moratorium difficult on nuclear testing remains between the United States E and the Soviet Union.

翻译:有两年的时间没有再进行核试验 但是美国和苏联的关系依旧紧张。



例句:Your attitude about asking for a pause or a moratorium or a quarantine is incredibly responsible.

翻译:你要求暂停、延期或隔离的态度 是非常负责任的。


4.延期偿付 、法

例句:July 1st, the year was up... ♪ and Governor Andrew Cuomo let the moratorium on drilling and fracking in New York State expire.

翻译:有1七月。一年已经过去了。纽约州长Cuomo了 钻井和s。



moratorium一般作为名词使用,如在hoover moratorium(美国前总统胡佛1931年在大萧条期间宣布暂停偿付之间债务的做法)、identity moratorium(认定未定、认同未定)、summer fishing moratorium(伏季休渔)等常见短语中出现较多。

hoover moratorium美国前总统胡佛1931年在大萧条期间宣布暂停偿付之间债务的做法
identity moratorium认定未定、认同未定
summer fishing moratorium伏季休渔
transfer moratorium停止偿付
Moratorium Day[美国英语]暂停正常活动日(1970.10.15)[亦作M- day]
moratorium on foreclosures[财]取消延期偿付命令
moratorium period[金融] 准许缓付期间


1. Your attitude about asking for a pause or a moratorium or a quarantine is incredibly responsible.

翻译:你要求暂停、延期或隔离的态度 是非常负责任的。

2. July 1st, the year was up... ♪ and Governor Andrew Cuomo let the moratorium on drilling and fracking in New York State expire.

翻译:有1七月。一年已经过去了。纽约州长Cuomo了 钻井和s。

3. Have a moratorium -- we shouldn't have any new coal-fired generating plants that aren't able to capture and store CO2, which means we have to quickly build these renewable sources.

翻译:要中止——我们不应当再有 任何新的煤动力火电站, 这种火电站不能留存二氧化碳。这意味着我们必须 快速建造利用可再生能源。

4. if she can eat 1 pound of our client's fine, farm-fresh pork product, raw... there'll be a moratorium on wagering in the office.

翻译:如果她能吃下 一磅客户的农场鲜肉 生的。

5. A man that you can prove was innocent, and i'll call a moratorium.

翻译:随便一个你能证明清白的人 你说出来 我立刻提出废除死刑的法案。

6. i believe at this time we need a moratorium.

翻译:我个人相信此时此刻, 我们需要暂停一下。

7. Let's put a moratorium on the bug talk.


8. if we had absolute proof that he had executed an innocent, we could demand a moratorium, like in illinois.

翻译:但是 如果我们能证明 有无辜者被执行了死刑 那么我们就可以要求废除死刑 就像伊利诺斯州那样。

9. Have a moratorium -- we shouldn't have any new coal-fired generating plants that aren't able to capture and store CO2, which means we have to quickly build these renewable sources.

翻译:要中止——我们不应当再有 任何新的煤动力火电站, 这种火电站不能留存二氧化碳。这意味着我们必须 快速建造利用可再生能源。

10. A the fall of 1957, with a moratorium on tests looming on the horizon, 24 nuclear tests were conducted in the Nevada desert

翻译:到了1957年,更多的核试验在地平线闪耀 在"plumbbob"行动中,先后内华达沙漠进行了24次核试验。

11. Because of the moratorium,


12. Convicted serial killer WH Kim will be the first person to be executed after a 13-year moratorium.

翻译:因这次的连环案的凶手金亨元 被废止了13年的死刑。

13. Move to call a moratorium on the words "grab," "squeeze,"

翻译:在婚礼前 请暂停使用"抓""挤" Move to call a moratorium on the words "grab," "squeeze,"。

14. And actually, there is an important precedent for such a pause from the 1970s, when scientists got together to call for a moratorium on the use of molecular cloning, until the safety of that technology could be tested carefully and validated.

翻译:实际上,在1970年代, 有一个类似这样暂缓的重要例子, 当时科学家们聚集在一起, 呼吁暂缓使用 "分子克隆", 直到那个技术可以 安全地被小心测试并验证。

15. i'll tell you what, the moratorium on asking questions is officially lifted.





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