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foreclose是什么意思 foreclose的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-21 04:19:29
  • 56

foreclose是什么意思 foreclose的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释




例句:So we surely, in view of those immense stakes, shouldn't accept even a one in a billion risk that human extinction would foreclose this immense potential.

翻译:所以无疑地,考虑到这些巨大的风险, 我们不应该承受哪怕是十亿分之一的 导致人类灭绝的风险, 这样才有可能阻止 这些巨大的潜在性。



例句:There isn't a bank in this city that would foreclose on me.

翻译:这一个城市没有一个银行 那会在我身上排斥。



例句:- Mr. Coleman, we all know that Frank's gonna foreclose on you, so this would all be a lot easier if you stopped posturing.

翻译:-科尔曼先生, 我们全部知道法兰克人 去在你身上排斥, 因此这会完全地是很多 比较容易的如果你停止作姿势。



例句:The reason that they wanted us to stop sales is that they wanted us not to pay them so that they could go and foreclose on the building, which they have already done.

翻译:其原因是 他们希望我们停止销售 是他们希望我们 不向他们支付 这样他们可以去 和取消抵押品赎回权的建筑。



foreclose一般作为动词使用,如在foreclose down([法]赎前销后)、foreclose on((因超过期限等)取消赎买权)、foreclose the mortgage([法] 实行抵押)等常见短语中出现较多。

foreclose down[法]赎前销后
foreclose on(因超过期限等)取消赎买权
foreclose the mortgage[法] 实行抵押


1. - Mr. Coleman, we all know that Frank's gonna foreclose on you, so this would all be a lot easier if you stopped posturing.

翻译:-科尔曼先生, 我们全部知道法兰克人 去在你身上排斥, 因此这会完全地是很多 比较容易的如果你停止作姿势。

2. The reason that they wanted us to stop sales is that they wanted us not to pay them so that they could go and foreclose on the building, which they have already done.

翻译:其原因是 他们希望我们停止销售 是他们希望我们 不向他们支付 这样他们可以去 和取消抵押品赎回权的建筑。

3. The bank's gonna foreclose if i can't pay the rent.

翻译:如果我付不出钱 银行就会没收我的抵押品。

4. At today's prices, they have more equity than necessary... more money for the bank if you decide to foreclose, you get me what i mean here?

翻译:还有现在的物价,他们拥有更多的抵押资产 如果你决定取消抵押赎回权,银行会得到更多的钱,你明白我说什么吧。

5. The year that photo was taken, my father needed $5,000 to pay off our debts, or the bank was gonna foreclose on our farm.

翻译:拍照片的那年 我父亲需要五千美元偿还债务 不然银行就会没收我们的农场。

6. i said, we have to foreclose.


7. And therefore, we exercised our prerogative as the bank holding the lease to foreclose.

翻译:因此 银行作为止赎权的权利人 我们行使了自己的权利。

8. We have a right to foreclose.


9. Listen, if he won't sell, i'll convince the board to foreclose.

翻译:听着 如果他不出售的话 我将说服董事会取消抵押品赎回权。

10. i uh, i got a letter here saying they're gonna foreclose on us and uh, the bank's cutting us off all because of this real estate.

翻译:我,呃,我收到了一封信,在这里说 他们要去止赎 呃,银行的 我们 因为这个 废话房地产。

11. Will some spasm foreclose Earth's future?


12. As per our conversation the other day, the bank has no choice at this time but to foreclose on your home.

翻译:根据我们的谈话 一天, 银行没有选择 在这个时候 但止赎你的家。

13. Now, what are you gonna do, foreclose on them?

翻译:你们这是干嘛? 逼债吗。

14. Chapman wanted to foreclose.


15. Now, they can foreclose on Friday.





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