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Phytonemus pallidus是什么意思 Phytonemus pallidus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 10:44:49
  • 18

Phytonemus pallidus是什么意思 Phytonemus pallidus的读音、翻译、用法

'Phytonemus pallidus'是拉丁语,翻译成中文是“苍白植螨”,是一种危害植物的害虫。

Phytonemus pallidus是一种很小的螨虫,体长只有0.2至0.3毫米,主要生活在植物叶片和茎部的表面并抽食植物汁液,会导致植物叶片黄化、卷曲甚至萎黄死亡。这种害虫在温暖干燥的环境下繁殖迅速,给农业生产带来严重的损失。

以下是9个含有'Phytonemus pallidus'的例句:

1. Phytonemus pallidus can cause serious damage to crops such as tomatoes and eggplants.(苍白植螨可能对番茄和茄子等作物造成严重的损害。)

2. The spread of Phytonemus pallidus has led to a decrease in the yield of many crops.(苍白植螨的传播导致许多作物的产量下降。)

3. Farmers need to take effective measures to prevent Phytonemus pallidus from infecting their crops.(农民需要采取有效措施防止苍白植螨感染他们的作物。)

4. The population of Phytonemus pallidus is increasing rapidly in this region.(苍白植螨的种群在这个地区迅速增加。)

5. The damage caused by Phytonemus pallidus is not easy to detect at an early stage.(苍白植螨造成的损害在早期很难检测出来。)

6. The use of pesticides is an effective way to control Phytonemus pallidus.(使用农药是控制苍白植螨的有效途径。)

7. The prevalence of Phytonemus pallidus is posing a serious threat to the local agriculture.(苍白植螨的流行对当地农业构成严重威胁。)

8. The management of Phytonemus pallidus requires collaboration between government agencies and farmers.(管理苍白植螨需要机构和农民的协作。)

9. The research on the control methods of Phytonemus pallidus is still ongoing.(对苍白植螨控制方法的研究仍在继续。)


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