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Bear Stearns是什么意思 Bear Stearns的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-12 06:20:09
  • 58

Bear Stearns是什么意思 Bear Stearns的读音、翻译、用法

'Bear Stearns'是英语,可以翻译成“熊斯登公司”。这是一家曾经存在的美国投资银行,在2008年金融危机中破产。


1. Bear Stearns was one of the largest investment banks in the United States. (熊斯登公司曾经是美国最大的投资银行之一。)

2. The collapse of Bear Stearns had a ripple effect on the financial markets worldwide. (熊斯登公司的破产对全球金融市场产生了连锁反应。)

3. In 2008, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York helped arrange the sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase. (2008年,纽约联邦储备银行帮助安排了熊斯登公司向摩根大通的出售。)

4. Bear Stearns was founded in 1923 by Joseph Bear and Robert Stearns. (熊斯登公司由约瑟夫·贝尔和·斯特恩斯于1923年创立。)

5. Bear Stearns specialized in fixed-income securities and mortgage-backed securities. (熊斯登公司专门从事固定收益证券和抵押贷款支持证券。)

6. The Bear Stearns logo featured a bear standing on its hind legs. (熊斯登公司的标志是一只站在后腿上的熊。)

7. Bear Stearns had a reputation for aggressive trading and risk-taking. (熊斯登公司以激进的交易和冒险而闻名。)

8. The collapse of Bear Stearns was seen as a warning sign of the impending financial crisis. (熊斯登公司的破产被视为即将到来的金融危机的预警信号。)

9. Many former employees of Bear Stearns went on to work at other financial institutions. (许多熊斯登公司的前员工转而在其他金融机构工作。)


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