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Pull-up是什么意思 Pull-up的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-30 01:39:10
  • 60

Pull-up是什么意思 Pull-up的读音、翻译、用法



1. I can do 10 pull-ups in a row.(我能一次做10个引体向上动作。)

2. He added pull-ups to his workout routine to strengthen his upper body.(他在锻炼方案中加入了引体向上动作,以强化上半身肌肉。)

3. The coach challenged the team to do as many pull-ups as possible in 1 minute.(教练挑战球队在1分钟内尽可能多地完成引体向上。)

4. The printer stopped working because the paper was stuck in the pull-up roller.(打印机停止工作是因为纸张卡在了拉起滚筒里。)

5. She struggled to do even one pull-up, but with practice, she eventually succeeded.(她很难完成一个引体向上,但是经过练习,她最终成功了。)

6. The pull-up bar was securely attached to the wall.(引体向上杆牢固地安装在了墙上。)

7. The athlete impressed the judges with his flawless pull-up form.(运动员以完美的引体向上姿势给裁判留下了深刻印象。)

8. The trainer recommended doing pull-ups to improve grip strength.(教练建议通过做引体向上来提高握力。)

9. She let out a grunt as she pulled herself up for another set of pull-ups.(她拉起自己去做另一组引体向上时发出了一声闷响。)


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