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Cephalotaceae是什么意思 Cephalotaceae的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-08-01 10:45:59
  • 8

Cephalotaceae是什么意思 Cephalotaceae的读音、翻译、用法



1. The 'Cephalotaceae' are carnivorous plants that grow in the southwestern area of Australia.(“头鞘草科”是生长在澳大利亚西南部的肉食性植物。)

2. Within the 'Cephalotaceae' family, the genus 'Cephalotus' is the most well-known species.(在“头鞘草科”中,“头鞘草属”是最为著名的物种。)

3. The 'Cephalotaceae' is a rare and vulnerable plant species due to its limited distribution and habitat destruction.(由于分布有限和栖息地,“头鞘草科”是罕见而易危的植物物种。)

4. The 'Cephalotaceae' have adapted to their nutrient-poor environment by evolving carnivorous traits.(“头鞘草科”通过进化肉食性特征适应了营养匮乏的环境。)

5. The tiny traps on the leaves of 'Cephalotaceae' plants are used to catch insects for additional nutrients.(“头鞘草科”植物叶片上的微小陷阱用于捕捉昆虫获取额外的营养。)

6. The 'Cephalotaceae' is a unique and interesting plant family that has fascinated botanists and horticulturalists for centuries.(“头鞘草科”是一个独特而有趣的植物家族,几个世纪以来一直吸引着植物学家和园艺学家。)

7. The color and shape of the flowers in the 'Cephalotaceae' family are highly variable depending on the individual species.(“头鞘草科”植物花卉的颜色和形状因品种而异。)

8. The 'Cephalotaceae' is a protected species in Australia and is prohibited from being collected from the wild without a permit.(在澳大利亚,“头鞘草科”是一种受保护的物种,未经许可禁止从野外收集。)

9. The study of 'Cephalotaceae' plants has led to new insights into the evolution of carnivorous traits in plants.(对“头鞘草科”植物的研究为了解植物肉食性特征的进化提供了新的见解。)


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