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Oviraptor是什么意思 Oviraptor的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-05 12:20:35
  • 135

Oviraptor是什么意思 Oviraptor的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Oviraptor eggs were found in a nest in the Gobi Desert.(在沙漠发现了Oviraptor的蛋)

2. The Oviraptor was a bipedal dinosaur with a bird-like skull.(Oviraptor是一种两足恐龙,有鸟类般的头颅)

3. The discovery of Oviraptor fossils helped scientists understand the role of feathers in dinosaur evolution.(发现Oviraptor化石帮助科学家理解羽毛在恐龙进化中的作用)

4. Some scientists believe that Oviraptors were opportunistic predators, while others think they were herbivores.(有些科学家认为Oviraptor是机会主义的掠食者,而其他人认为它们是草食动物)

5. The Oviraptor was named for its supposed habit of stealing eggs from other dinosaurs' nests.(Oviraptor的名字来自于其据说从其他恐龙巢穴偷蛋的习惯)

6. Oviraptor is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in Asia during the Late Cretaceous period.(Oviraptor是生活在晚白垩世期间的亚洲兽脚类恐龙)

7. The Oviraptor is often depicted with large feathers on its arms and tail.(Oviraptor经常被描绘为拥有大型翅膀和尾羽的恐龙)

8. Oviraptor had a short, deep skull that was adapted for crushing eggs.(Oviraptor有一个短而深的头颅,适合压碎蛋)

9. The discovery of Oviraptor fossils challenged early assumptions about dinosaur behavior and anatomy.(发现Oviraptor化石挑战了早期关于恐龙行为和解剖的假设)


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