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Eldana saccharina是什么意思 Eldana saccharina的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-16 12:14:35
  • 88

Eldana saccharina是什么意思 Eldana saccharina的读音、翻译、用法

'Eldana saccharina'是南非的词语,中文翻译为“甘蔗螟”。它是一种常见的甘蔗害虫,会在甘蔗茎部进行掘食,导致甘蔗收成减少。


1. Eldana saccharina是南非甘蔗种植业的主要害虫之一。

(Eldana saccharina is one of the major pests in the South African sugarcane industry.)

2. 甘蔗螟的幼虫会在甘蔗茎部进行掘食,导致甘蔗枯萎。

(The larvae of Eldana saccharina tunnel into the sugarcane stem, causing the plant to wilt.)

3. 农民们需要采取措施来控制甘蔗螟的侵袭。

(Farmers need to take measures to control the infestation of Eldana saccharina.)

4. 甘蔗螟的颜色通常是或白色。

(The color of Eldana saccharina is usually yellow or white.)

5. 据估计,甘蔗螟每年给南非的甘蔗种植业造成的经济损失高达数千万美元。

(It is estimated that Eldana saccharina causes millions of dollars of economic damage to the sugarcane industry in South Africa every year.)

6. 研究人员正在寻找更有效的方法来防治甘蔗螟。

(Researchers are looking for more effective methods to control Eldana saccharina.)

7. 甘蔗螟的雌蛾可以产200至400粒。

(The female moths of Eldana saccharina can lay 200 to 400 eggs.)

8. 农民们需要定期检查甘蔗茎部,以便及早发现甘蔗螟的侵袭。

(Farmers need to inspect the sugarcane stems regularly to detect the infestation of Eldana saccharina early.)

9. 化学农药是控制甘蔗螟的常用方法之一。

(Chemical pesticides are one of the common methods to control Eldana saccharina.)


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