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saturnal是什么意思 saturnal的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 10:42:48
  • 19

saturnal是什么意思 saturnal的读音、翻译、用法




1. She lived in a saturnal world of her own .(她生活在自己创造的阴郁世界中。)

2. The painting's saturnal hues evoked a sense of desolation.(这幅画的土星色调唤起一种荒凉的感觉。)

3. He was lost in thought, his face wearing a saturnal expression.(他陷入了沉思中,脸上带着一种冷漠的表情。)

4. The spacecraft entered a saturnal orbit around the planet.(宇宙飞船进入了该星球的土星轨道。)

5. The poet was known for his saturnal imagery, often featuring abandoned landscapes and solitary figures.(这位诗人以其阴郁的意象而知名,常常描述被遗弃的景观和孤独的人物。)

6. She felt a saturnal chill in the air as she walked through the deserted streets.(当她走过荒凉的街道时,感到空气中带有阴郁的寒意。)

7. The symphony's saturnal melody was hauntingly beautiful.(交响乐的土星旋律令人难忘地美丽。)

8. The play explored the saturnal themes of isolation and despair.(这个剧本探讨了孤独和绝望的土星主题。)

9. The photographer captured the saturnal ring system in stunning detail.(摄影师以惊人的细节捕捉了土星的环状结构。)


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