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alusion是什么意思 alusion的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-02 11:23:37
  • 86

alusion是什么意思 alusion的读音、翻译、用法





1. The author used an allusion to Shakespeare's Hamlet in his novel.(作者在小说中使用了对莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》的典故)

2. The painting contains several allusions to Greek mythology.(这幅画中融入了多个对希腊神话的暗示)

3. The director made an allusion to Hitch's famous shower scene in his movie.(这位导演在电影中引用了希区柯克著名的淋浴场景)

4. The poem is full of allusions to ancient literature.(这首诗充满了对古代文学作品的引用)

5. The comedian made an allusion to current politics during his stand-up routine.(这位喜剧演员在他的单口相声中暗示了当下)

6. The song's lyrics contain a subtle allusion to lost love.(这首歌的歌词含有一个微妙的对失去的爱情的暗示)

7. The play's title is actually an allusion to a famous Shakespearean quote.(这个剧名其实是对莎士比亚名言的引用)

8. The artist's style has allusions to the work of Van Gogh.(这位艺术家的风格与梵高的作品有相似之处)

9. The historian drew an allusion to a similar event in the past to explain the current situation.(这位历史学家通过对过去类似事件的引用来解释当前的情况)


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