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Mighty Mouse是什么意思 Mighty Mouse的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-01 01:00:04
  • 49

Mighty Mouse是什么意思 Mighty Mouse的读音、翻译、用法

'Mighty Mouse'是美国的词语,中文翻译为“超级老鼠”。这个词语最初是指1940年代由美国漫画公司Terrytoons创作的一只名叫“Mighty Mouse”的动画老鼠,后来成为了一种流行文化符号,通常用来形容人或事物在困难面前表现出的勇气和力量。

以下是9个含有'Mighty Mouse'的例句:

1. Mighty Mouse swooped in and saved the day, just like always.(超级老鼠一如既往地出现,拯救了局面。)

2. He may be small, but he's as mighty as a mouse.(他虽然个头小,但勇气如超级老鼠。)

3. When faced with adversity, she channeled her inner Mighty Mouse and persevered.(面对困难,她发挥出内心的超级老鼠精神坚持了下来。)

4. Don't underestimate her - she's a Mighty Mouse in disguise.(别小看她,她是隐形的超级老鼠。)

5. Just like Mighty Mouse, he always comes to the rescue when we need him.(就像超级老鼠一样,我们需要他的时候他总是来解救我们。)

6. She fought back with the fierceness of a cornered Mighty Mouse.(她像入绝境的超级老鼠一样勇猛地反击了。)

7. The underdog team won the championship, proving that they were the Mighty Mouse of the tournament.(弱势的队伍获得了冠军,证明他们是本次比赛中的超级老鼠。)

8. He's not afraid to take on challenges - he's a real Mighty Mouse.(他不怕接受挑战 - 他真是个超级老鼠。)

9. The company may be small, but it has the tenacity of a Mighty Mouse.(这家公司虽然小,但有着超级老鼠一样的韧性。)


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