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Bathystethus cultratus是什么意思 Bathystethus cultratus的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 10:54:13
  • 26

Bathystethus cultratus是什么意思 Bathystethus cultratus的读音、翻译、用法

'Bathystethus cultratus'是拉丁语,意为“有刃的深度探针”。它是一种深海鱼类,常见于大西洋深海地区。


用法:科学家们经常使用'Bathystethus cultratus'作为深海环境下的环境指标物种。


1. Bathystethus cultratus lives at depths of up to 2,000 meters.(有刃深度探针鱼生活于深度达2000米的地方)

2. The scientific name of Bathystethus cultratus refers to its sharp, blade-like fin.(有刃深度探针鱼的学名指的是其尖锐的类刀片状臀鳍)

3. Biologists are studying the biology of Bathystethus cultratus to better understand deep sea ecosystems.(生物学家正在研究刀鳍深度探针鱼的生物学,以更好地了解深海生态系统)

4. Bathystethus cultratus is a predator that feeds on smaller fish and invertebrates.(有刃深度探针鱼是捕食小鱼和无脊椎动物的掠食者)

5. The fin of Bathystethus cultratus is used to help maintain buoyancy in deep water.(刀鳍深度探针鱼的臀鳍用于帮助在深水中保持浮力)

6. The deep-sea fish Bathystethus cultratus has adapted to survive in an extreme environment.(深海鱼类刀鳍深度探针鱼已经适应并生存于极端环境中)

7. Bathystethus cultratus is one of the most abundant fish species found in the deep Atlantic ocean.(有刃深度探针鱼是大西洋深海中最常见的鱼类之一)

8. The jaw of Bathystethus cultratus can open extremely wide, allowing it to swallow prey whole.(刀鳍深度探针鱼的下颌能够极大地张开,使其能够将猎物整个吞下)

9. Bathystethus cultratus is a fascinating species for scientists studying deep-sea fish.(对于研究深海鱼类的科学家来说,刀鳍深度探针鱼是一个非常有趣的物种)


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