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Sean O’Casey是什么意思 Sean O’Casey的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 10:54:32
  • 10

Sean O’Casey是什么意思 Sean O’Casey的读音、翻译、用法

这个词语来源于英语,是指爱尔兰20世纪最著名的剧作家Sean O’Casey(肖恩·奥凯西)。他的作品《青年独立军》、《爱尔兰醒来》、《恶徒们》等都具有很高的艺术价值和文化意义。


1. Sean O’Casey was a significant playwright in the history of modern Irish literature.(肖恩·奥凯西是现代爱尔兰文学史上重要的剧作家。)

2. Many people were deeply touched by Sean O’Casey’s dramas.(许多人深受肖恩·奥凯西的戏剧感动。)

3. Sean O’Casey’s plays often reflect the social reality and the lives of ordinary people.(肖恩·奥凯西的戏剧往往反映社会现实和普通人的生活。)

4. The works of Sean O’Casey are unique in terms of language, form and theme.(肖恩·奥凯西的作品在语言、形式和主题方面都很独特。)

5. Sean O’Casey’s plays are filled with sharp social criticism and a sense of tragedy.(肖恩·奥凯西的戏剧充满了尖锐的社会批判和悲剧意味。)

6. Sean O’Casey’s dramas have contributed greatly to the development of Irish theatre.(肖恩·奥凯西的戏剧对爱尔兰剧院的发展做出了重大贡献。)

7. Sean O’Casey’s works are full of humor, irony and sarcasm.(肖恩·奥凯西的作品充满了幽默、反讽和讽刺。)

8. Many scholars have studied the artistic achievements and literary value of Sean O’Casey’s plays.(许多学者研究过肖恩·奥凯西的戏剧艺术成就和文学价值。)

9. Sean O’Casey is a representative figure of Irish literary renaissance in the 20th century.(肖恩·奥凯西是20世纪爱尔兰文艺复兴的代表人物。)


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