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Jiang Jin是什么意思 Jiang Jin的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-13 10:55:02
  • 22

Jiang Jin是什么意思 Jiang Jin的读音、翻译、用法

'Jiang Jin'这个词语来源于汉语,通常用来形容一种珠宝首饰上的浮雕或图案,也可以指手工或雕塑艺术中的细节。

以下是9个含有'Jiang Jin'的例句:

1. 这个盒子上的'Jiang Jin'非常精美,是名师手工雕刻的。

The 'Jiang Jin' on this box is very exquisite, it was carved by a master craftsman.

2. 这件首饰的'Jiang Jin'非常独特,是一位设计师的创意。

The 'Jiang Jin' of this jewelry is very unique, it is the creation of a designer.

3. 这个古建筑的'Jiang Jin'体现了传统文化和手工艺术的精髓。

The 'Jiang Jin' of this ancient building embodies the essence of traditional culture and handicraft art.

4. 这位艺术家在雕刻中融入了许多'Jiang Jin',使作品更加生动。

The artist incorporated many 'Jiang Jin' into the carving, the work more vivid.

5. 这幅画的'Jiang Jin'非常细腻,需要仔细观察才能发现。

The 'Jiang Jin' of this painting is very delicate, and needs to be carefully observed in order to be noticed.

6. 他的设计中总是能够融入一些小巧的'Jiang Jin',让作品更加精致。

He always incorporates some small and exquisite 'Jiang Jin' into his designs, the work more delicate.

7. 这座大理石雕塑的'Jiang Jin'非常精细,需要花费大量时间才能完成。

The 'Jiang Jin' of this marble sculpture is very fine, and requires a lot of time to complete.

8. 这副屏风的'Jiang Jin'错落有致,形成了独特的美感。

The 'Jiang Jin' on this folding screen is arranged in a unique way, creating a special aesthetic feeling.

9. 这件木雕的'Jiang Jin'非常考究,每一处都经过反复雕琢。

The 'Jiang Jin' on this wooden carving is very exquisite, and every detail has been carefully carved.


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