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flashmob是什么意思 flashmob的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-12 14:13:05
  • 202

flashmob是什么意思 flashmob的读音、翻译、用法

flashmob是英语单词,中文翻译为闪 mob。闪 mob是指一群人(通常是陌生人)在事先约定好的时间和地点相聚,同时进行一些有组织、有趣、引人瞩目的活动,例如唱歌、跳舞、表演等,通常持续时间较短,然后又散去。




1. The flashmob started dancing to the music in the middle of the shopping mall.(闪电团在购物中心中央随着音乐跳舞。)

2. We organized a flashmob to raise awareness for our charity event.(我们组织了一个闪电团,以提高人们对我们慈善活动的认识。)

3. The flashmob sang a beautiful song in unison.(闪电团异口同声地唱了一首美丽的歌曲。)

4. The flashmob surprised everyone with their coordinated dance routine.(闪电团通过协调的舞蹈惊喜了所有人。)

5. As soon as the music started, the flashmob appeared out of nowhere.(音乐一响起,闪电团就突然出现了。)

6. The flashmob was organized through social media and attracted a large crowd.(闪电团是通过社交媒体组织的,吸引了一大群人。)

7. The flashmob dispersed quickly after their performance was over.(闪电团在表演结束后迅速散去。)

8. The flashmob members were dressed in identical outfits to create a unified look.(闪电团成员穿着相同的服装,营造出统一的形象。)

9. The flashmob's surprise performance was the highlight of the event.(闪电团的惊喜表演是活动的亮点。)


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