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gorilla是什么意思 gorilla的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-24 06:22:42
  • 67

gorilla是什么意思 gorilla的读音、翻译、用法



1. The gorilla was sitting in the sun, enjoying a piece of fruit.(猩猩坐在阳光下,享受一块水果。)

2. The zookeeper was feeding the gorillas when I arrived.(我到达时,饲养员正在喂养猩猩。)

3. The gorilla exhibit was very popular among visitors to the zoo.(猩猩展览在动物园的游客中非常受欢迎。)

4. The researchers observed the gorillas from a distance to avoid disturbing them.(研究人员从远处观察猩猩,以避免打扰它们。)

5. The gorilla was pounding its chest in a territorial display.(猩猩在展示其领土时猛击膛。)

6. The gorilla's fur was black and shiny in the sunlight.(猩猩的毛发在阳光下是黑色和闪亮的。)

7. The gorilla sanctuary provides a safe haven for rescued primates.(猩猩保护区为被救助的灵长类动物提供了安全的避难所。)

8. The gorilla family moved through the jungle, searching for food.(猩猩家庭穿过丛林,寻找食物。)

9. The young children were fascinated by the gorilla's size and strength.(年幼的孩子们被猩猩的体型和力量所吸引。)


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