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CMEA是什么意思 CMEA的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-28 01:16:37
  • 51

CMEA是什么意思 CMEA的读音、翻译、用法

'CMEA'是缩写词,代表的是“社会主义国家联盟经济委员会”(Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)。它是由东欧和苏联建立的一个经济联盟组织,旨在促进该地区的经济合作和发展。该组织成立于1949年,在1991年苏联解体后解散。


1. CMEA的成立标志着苏联和东欧国家之间经济合作的一个新时代。

(The establishment of CMEA marked a new era of economic cooperation between the Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries.)

2. CMEA在推动社会主义国家之间的贸易和合作方面发挥了重要作用。

(CMEA played an important role in promoting trade and cooperation among socialist countries.)

3. CMEA的目标是促进成员国之间的经济发展,同时加强它们的互惠关系。

(The goal of CMEA was to promote economic development among member countries, while strengthening their mutual relations.)

4. CMEA组织的成员国包括苏联、波兰、捷克斯洛伐克、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、阿尔巴尼亚、古巴等国家。

(The member countries of the CMEA organization included the Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Cuba, etc.)

5. CMEA在20世纪80年代经历了许多困难和挑战,最终在1991年解散。

(CMEA experienced many difficulties and challenges in the 1980s, and finally dissolved in 1991.)

6. CMEA的成员国之间进行的贸易和合作主要以计划经济为基础。

(Trade and cooperation among CMEA member countries were mainly based on planned economy.)

7. CMEA的成员国之间进行的贸易和合作是在和经济上相互依赖的。

(Trade and cooperation among CMEA member countries were interdependent politically and economically.)

8. 虽然CMEA的目标是促进经济合作,但它在实际操作中存在一些问题和限制。

(Although the goal of CMEA was to promote economic cooperation, there were some problems and limitations in its actual operation.)

9. 经过几十年的发展,CMEA成为了一个有影响力的国际组织,但它的衰落也标志着主义国家的衰落。

(After decades of development, CMEA became an influential international organization, but its decline also marked the decline of communist countries.)


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