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sector postindustrial是什么意思 sector postindustrial的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-20 09:33:30
  • 64

sector postindustrial是什么意思 sector postindustrial的读音、翻译、用法

'sector postindustrial'是英语单词,可以翻译为“后工业部门”。这个词语通常用来描述经济结构中的一个部分,指的是在一个国家或地区经济发展的过程中,工业化已经过了高峰期,服务业和知识经济成为经济重心的阶段。



1. The proportion of employment in the sector postindustrial is increasing year by year.(后工业部门就业人口占比逐年上升。)

2. The government is actively promoting the development of the sector postindustrial.(积极推进后工业部门的发展。)

3. The sector postindustrial includes industries such as information technology and finance.(后工业部门包括信息技术和金融等产业。)

4. The growth of the sector postindustrial has led to the decline of traditional manufacturing industries.(后工业部门的增长导致传统制造业的衰退。)

5. Entrepreneurs are turning their attention to the sector postindustrial.(企业家们将目光转向后工业部门。)

6. The sector postindustrial is an important engine of economic growth.(后工业部门是经济增长的重要引擎。)

7. The development of the sector postindustrial requires a high level of talent.(后工业部门的发展需要高水平的人才。)

8. The sector postindustrial has become the new focus of economic competition among countries.(后工业部门已成为国家经济竞争的新焦点。)

9. The promotion of the sector postindustrial is an important measure to promote economic transformation and upgrading.(推进后工业部门的发展是推动经济转型升级的重要举措。)


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