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belladona是什么意思 belladona的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-01 10:32:04
  • 73

belladona是什么意思 belladona的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'belladona'是拉丁语,翻译成中文是“颠茄”。

2. 颠茄是一种多年生草本植物,具有毒性,主要用于制作镇痛剂、止痉剂等药物。

3. 例句1: Belladonna是一种由颠茄提取的药物,可以缓解疼痛和放松肌肉。(英语)

翻译:Belladonna is a drug extracted from belladonna, which can relieve pain and relax muscles.

4. 例句2:颠茄中的生物碱可以拓宽孔,因此在眼科手术中被广泛应用。(法语)

翻译:The alkaloids in belladonna can dilate the pupil, so it is widely used in ophthalmic surgery.

5. 例句3:颠茄因其镇痛和镇静作用而被广泛用于心理治疗。(德语)

翻译:Belladonna is widely used in psychotherapy because of its gesic and sedative effects.

6. 例句4:颠茄的毒性很大,要注意使用剂量以免产生副作用。(意大利语)

翻译:Belladonna is highly toxic, and attention should be paid to the dosage to avoid side effects.

7. 例句5:颠茄对人体神经中枢有抑制作用,可用于治疗神经性疼痛。(西班牙语)

翻译:Belladonna has an inhibitory effect on the human nervous system and can be used to treat neuralgia.

8. 例句6:颠茄中的生物碱可以抑制消化系统的运动,可用于治疗消化不良。(葡萄牙语)

翻译:The alkaloids in belladonna can inhibit the movement of the digestive system and can be used to treat indigestion.

9. 例句7:颠茄是一种有毒的植物,注意不要误食或接触其汁液。(俄语)

翻译:Belladonna is a toxic plant, and care should be taken not to ingest or come into contact with its juice.

10. 例句8:颠茄可以放松呼吸道肌肉,因此常用于治疗哮喘。(荷兰语)

翻译:Belladonna can relax respiratory muscles and is therefore often used to treat asthma.

11. 例句9:颠茄中的生物碱可以缓解疼痛和发热,可用于治疗感冒和流感。(瑞典语)

翻译:The alkaloids in belladonna can relieve pain and fever and can be used to treat colds and flu.


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