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picea rubra是什么意思 picea rubra的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-05 01:35:00
  • 35

picea rubra是什么意思 picea rubra的读音、翻译、用法

'picea rubra'是拉丁语,意为红云杉。它是一种常见的北美洲原生的大型常绿针叶树,是杉科云杉属的植物,生长在加拿大和美国东海岸地区。它通常高达30-45米,树冠浓密,枝条圆柱形,针叶短而密集。它还有许多其他俗名,如加拿大云杉、红云杉、新英格兰云杉等。

以下是九个含有'picea rubra'的例句:

1. The majestic Picea rubra stands tall in the forest.(壮丽的红云杉屹立于森林之中。)

2. Picea rubra is commonly found in the eastern region of North America.(红云杉常见于北美洲的东部地区。)

3. The wood of Picea rubra is used for construction and furniture.(红云杉的木材被用于建筑和家具。)

4. Picea rubra leaves are short and densely packed.(红云杉的叶子短而密集。)

5. Picea rubra is an important species in the forestry industry.(红云杉是林业工业中的重要物种。)

6. The cones of Picea rubra are large and cylindrical.(红云杉的球果又大又圆柱形。)

7. Picea rubra is commonly found in boreal forests.(红云杉常见于北方针叶林。)

8. Picea rubra is known for its beautiful red bark.(红云杉以其美丽的红树皮而闻名。)

9. Picea rubra is a popular choice for landscaping due to its attractive shape and foliage.(红云杉由于其吸引人的形态和叶子而成为景观设计中的热门选择。)


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