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Glycyphagidae是什么意思 Glycyphagidae的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-18 14:23:00
  • 44

Glycyphagidae是什么意思 Glycyphagidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. Glycyphagidae arthropods are known to thrive in humid environments. (Glycyphagidae节肢动物以高湿度环境生存而著称。)

2. The common house dust mite belongs to the family Glycyphagidae. (常见的尘螨属于Glycyphagidae家族。)

3. Ingestion of sweet foods can attract Glycyphagidae to your home. (食用甜食可能会吸引Glycyphagidae进入你的家里。)

4. The prevalence of Glycyphagidae infestations has increased in recent years. (近年来Glycyphagidae的侵扰率有所上升。)

5. Eliminating food sources is an effective way to control Glycyphagidae populations. (消除食源是控制Glycyphagidae数量的有效方法。)

6. Glycyphagidae can cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to their feces. (对螨虫的粪便敏感的人可能会引起Glycyphagidae过敏反应。)

7. Proper ventilation can help reduce the number of Glycyphagidae in your home. (适当的通风可以帮助减少家中Glycyphagidae的数量。)

8. The lifespan of Glycyphagidae can vary depending on the species and environmental conditions. (Glycyphagidae的寿命因物种和环境条件而异。)

9. Glycyphagidae infestations can be difficult to eradicate once they become established in a home. (一旦Glycyphagidae侵扰在家中建立起来,就很难根除。)


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