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Cylas是什么意思 Cylas的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-06 12:13:53
  • 76

Cylas是什么意思 Cylas的读音、翻译、用法

1. 'Cylas'是来自非洲肯尼亚的词语,意思是“甘蔗象甲”。

2. Cylas saccharina是甘蔗象甲的学名。

3. 他们正在对甘蔗田进行cyclas的防治措施。(英文:They are taking measures to control Cylas in the sugarcane field.)

4. 研究表明,cyclas的幼虫对甘蔗造成了很大损失。(英文:Studies have shown that the larvae of Cylas cause significant damage to sugarcane.)

5. 可以使用天敌来控制cyclas的数量。(英文:Predators can be used to control the number of Cylas.)

6. 确定cyclas的种类是非常重要的。(英文:It is important to identify the species of Cylas.)

7. 这种病虫害在肯尼亚的甘蔗种植中非常常见。(英文:This pest is very common in sugarcane cultivation in Kenya.)

8. 甘蔗象甲的防治需要采取综合措施。(英文:Comprehensive measures are needed to control Cylas.)

9. 英雄使用自己的知识成功抵抗了cyclas的入侵。(英文:The hero successfully resisted the invasion of Cylas with his knowledge.)


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