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creative是什么意思 creative的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-01 09:31:05
  • 228

creative是什么意思 creative的读音、翻译、用法



1. We need creative ideas to solve this problem. (我们需要有创意的想法来解决这个问题。)

2. She is a very creative person, always coming up with new ideas. (她是一个非常有创造力的人,总是想出新点子。)

3. The artist's creative approach to painting is unique. (这位艺术家对绘画的创造性方法是独一无二的。)

4. The company's creative advertising campaign was a huge success. (公司的有创意的广告宣传活动取得了巨大成功。)

5. He has a creative mind and can come up with solutions to any problem. (他拥有创新思维,能够想出任何问题的解决方案。)

6. Creative writing is a great way to express yourself. (创意写作是表达自己的一种很好的方式。)

7. The designer's creative use of color made the room look amazing. (设计师的巧妙运用颜色让房间看起来很棒。)

8. The chef's creative approach to cooking resulted in a delicious meal. (厨师对烹饪的创造性方法导致了一顿美味的餐饮。)

9. The writer's creative use of metaphors added depth to the story. (作家对隐喻的有创意运用为故事增加了深度。)


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