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Wisconsin是什么意思 Wisconsin的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-15 11:01:39
  • 52

Wisconsin是什么意思 Wisconsin的读音、翻译、用法



1. I live in Wisconsin.(我住在威斯康辛州。)

2. Wisconsin is known for its cheese.(威斯康辛因其奶酪而闻名。)

3. Do you want to visit Wisconsin? (你想去威斯康辛吗?)

4. The University of Wisconsin is a great school.(威斯康辛大学是一所很棒的学校。)

5. Wisconsin Dells is a popular tourist destination.(威斯康辛德尔斯是一个受欢迎的旅游目的地。)

6. Wisconsin has four seasons.(威斯康辛有四个季节。)

7. The Green Bay Packers are a football team from Wisconsin.(绿湾包装工是来自威斯康辛州的橄榄球队。)

8. Lake Wisconsin is a beautiful place to go fishing.(威斯康辛湖是一个很棒的钓鱼地方。)

9. Wisconsin is bordered by Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan.(威斯康辛州与明尼苏达州,爱荷华州,伊利诺伊州和密歇根州相邻。)


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