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Sun Liang是什么意思 Sun Liang的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-26 14:17:45
  • 110

Sun Liang是什么意思 Sun Liang的读音、翻译、用法

'Sun Liang'不是一个国家的语言,而是一个人名,通常是指中国人名中的一个姓氏为孙,名为亮的人。

常见翻译:Sun Liang



1. Sun Liang是一位很有才华的诗人。(中文翻译:Sun Liang is a very talented poet.)

2. Sun Liang很快就成为了公司的老板。(中文翻译:Sun Liang quickly became the owner of the company.)

3. 孙亮写了一首很有意思的诗歌。(中文翻译:Sun Liang wrote a very interesting poem.)

4. 孙亮的书法非常好,他经常拿奖。(中文翻译:Sun Liang's calligraphy is very good, and he often wins awards.)

5. 孙亮是我们的好朋友,每次都能给我们带来很多帮助。(中文翻译:Sun Liang is our good friend, and he always brings us a lot of help.)

6. 孙亮的爱好是打篮球,他每周都要去打几次。(中文翻译:Sun Liang's hobby is playing basketball, and he goes to play several times a week.)

7. 孙亮是一名医生,他有很多患者。(中文翻译:Sun Liang is a doctor, and he has many patients.)

8. 孙亮的儿子很聪明,他考了很好的成绩。(中文翻译:Sun Liang's son is very smart, and he got a good score in the exam.)

9. 孙亮的家人都很亲切,他们经常邀请我们去家里做客。(中文翻译:Sun Liang's family is very friendly, and they often invite us to their home for dinner.)


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