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Litomosoides carinii是什么意思 Litomosoides carinii的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-01 07:38:48
  • 36

Litomosoides carinii是什么意思 Litomosoides carinii的读音、翻译、用法

'Litomosoides carinii'是拉丁语,翻译成中文为“块状鞭虫”。

Litomosoides carinii是一种寄生性的蠕虫,主要寄生在小鼠和其他啮齿动物的肺部。它会导致肺部炎症和呼吸道疾病,是重要的医学研究对象。

以下是9个含有Litomosoides carinii的例句:

1. 'Litomosoides carinii' is a common model organism for studying lung inflammation in rodents.(Litomosoides carinii是研究啮齿类动物肺部炎症的常见模型生物)

2. Researchers use 'Litomosoides carinii' infection to study the mechanisms of immune response in the lungs.(研究人员利用Litomosoides carinii感染来研究肺部免疫反应机制)

3. Infection with 'Litomosoides carinii' can lead to severe respiratory distress in mice.(感染Litomosoides carinii会导致小鼠严重的呼吸困难)

4. 'Litomosoides carinii' is a useful model organism for studying the effects of environmental pollutants on lung health.(Litomosoides carinii是研究环境染物对肺健康影响的有用模型生物)

5. The lifecycle of 'Litomosoides carinii' involves multiple stages of development within the host animal.(Litomosoides carinii的生命周期涉及宿主动物内多个发育阶段)

6. Infection with 'Litomosoides carinii' can lead to chronic lung disease in humans and animals alike.(感染Litomosoides carinii可以导致人类和动物的慢性肺病)

7. Scientists have identified several potential drug targets for treating 'Litomosoides carinii' infections.(科学家已经确定了几个潜在的药物靶点,用于治疗Litomosoides carinii感染)

8. 'Litomosoides carinii' infection has been linked to increased susceptibility to other respiratory infections.(Litomosoides carinii感染与其他呼吸道感染的易感性增加有关)

9. The development of new treatments for 'Litomosoides carinii' infection is a major priority in the field of respiratory medicine.(开发新的治疗Litomosoides carinii感染的方法是呼吸医学领域的重要优先事项)


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