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Pythium是什么意思 Pythium的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-21 01:38:28
  • 47

Pythium是什么意思 Pythium的读音、翻译、用法



1. Pythium是葡萄、玉米和大豆等多种作物的病原真菌。

(Pythium is a pathogenic fungus for crops such as gs, corn and soybeans.)

2. Pythium所引起的病害在植物上表现出水浸样病征。

(Pythium-caused diseases manifest as water-soaked symptoms on plants.)

3. 在水稻田里,Pythium会引起稻秧腐烂病害。

(In rice fields, Pythium can cause seedling rot disease.)

4. Pythium的分子诊断方法可用于快速检测植物中的感染情况。

(Molecular diagnostic methods for Pythium can be used for rapid detection of infections in plants.)

5. 研究表明,Pythium感染植物时会分泌细胞壁降解酶,使植物组织软化。

(Studies have shown that Pythium secretes cell wall-degrading enzymes when infecting plants, which softens plant tissue.)

6. 在温室环境下,Pythium易引起植物根部腐烂。

(In greenhouse environments, Pythium is e to causing root rot in plants.)

7. Pythium的传染方式包括土传和水传。

(Pythium is transmitted through soil and water.)

8. 有效的管理措施可以帮助减少Pythium对作物的损害。

(Effective management measures can help reduce Pythium damage to crops.)

9. Pythium属于Oomycete门真菌,但其生物学特性与其他真菌有很大不同。

(Pythium belongs to the Oomycete phylum of fungi, but its biological characteristics differ greatly from other fungi.)


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