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Conchoraptor是什么意思 Conchoraptor的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-24 06:59:14
  • 76

Conchoraptor是什么意思 Conchoraptor的读音、翻译、用法



1. Conchoraptor在恐龙世界中是一种非常稀有的生物。

(Conchoraptor is a very rare creature in the world of dinosaurs.)

2. 消失于1.45亿年前的Conchoraptor是如何生存的呢?

(How did Conchoraptor, which disappeared 145 million years ago, survive?)

3. 这些Conchoraptor化石被发现于蒙古地区,让我们更了解它们的生活方式。

(These Conchoraptor fossils were discovered in Mongolia, which helps us understand their way of life.)

4. Conchoraptor的名称意思是“蚌泥盗贼”,这很符合它的生存方式。

(The name Conchoraptor means "shell thief", which is very fitting for its way of life.)

5. 通过对Conchoraptor化石的分析,科学家们发现它们有很强的捕食能力。

(Through the ysis of Conchoraptor fossils, scientists have found that they have strong predatory abilities.)

6. Conchoraptor在白垩纪晚期是一种非常成功的生物。

(Conchoraptor was a very successful creature in the late Cretaceous period.)

7. 对Conchoraptor的分析表明,它们的智商应该相当高。

(Analysis of Conchoraptor suggests that they should have relatively high intelligence.)

8. 由于Conchoraptor的化石稀有,因此它们的研究也相对困难。

(Due to the rarity of Conchoraptor fossils, research on them is relatively difficult.)

9. Conchoraptor是一个神秘的恐龙种类,我们需要更多的研究才能了解它们。

(Conchoraptor is a mysterious dinosaur species, and we need more research to understand them.)


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