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Buffer circular是什么意思 Buffer circular的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-19 06:12:49
  • 64

Buffer circular是什么意思 Buffer circular的读音、翻译、用法

'Buffer circular'是英语词语,翻译为“环形缓冲区”,是计算机科学中常用的数据结构之一。它是一段连续的存储区域,用于暂存数据,数据可以按照先进先出(FIFO)的原则写入和读取。当缓冲区写满时,新的数据将覆盖最老的数据。

以下是9个含有'Buffer circular'的例句:

1. The audio data is stored in a circular buffer to ensure smooth playback.(音频数据存储在环形缓冲区中,以确保平滑播放。)

2. The network driver uses a circular buffer to receive packets from the network.(网络驱动程序使用环形缓冲区从网络接收数据包。)

3. The circular buffer is an efficient way to implement a queue.(环形缓冲区是实现队列的高效方式。)

4. The circular buffer is an essential component of real-time signal processing.(环形缓冲区是实时信号处理的必要组成部分。)

5. The circular buffer is used to buffer the video frames before they are displayed on the screen.(环形缓冲区用于在视频帧显示在屏幕上之前对其进行缓冲。)

6. The circular buffer is synchronized with the audio clock to ensure accurate playback.(环形缓冲区与音频时钟同步,以确保精确的播放。)

7. The circular buffer is implemented in hardware to minimize latency.(环形缓冲区在硬件上实现,以最小化延迟。)

8. The circular buffer is often used in real-time embedded systems.(环形缓冲区经常在实时嵌入式系统中使用。)

9. The circular buffer can be used to store data in a continuous loop.(环形缓冲区可用于将数据存储在连续循环中。)


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