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echo是什么意思 echo的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-14 03:19:05
  • 146

echo是什么意思 echo的读音、翻译、用法


以下是含有“echo”的 9 个例句:

1. The sound of his footsteps ecd through the empty hallway.(他的脚步声在空旷的走廊上回响。)

2. Her words ecd in my head long after she had left.(她的话在她离开后在我的头脑中回响了很久。)

3. The singer's voice ecd off the walls of the concert hall.(歌手的声音在音乐厅的墙壁上回响。)

4. The gunshot ecd through the forest, startling the wildlife.(枪声在森林中回响,惊动了野生动物。)

5. The cheers of the audience ecd around the stadium.(观众的欢呼声在体育场内回响。)

6. The church bells ecd across the town on Christmas morning.(圣诞节早上,教堂的钟声在城镇上回响。)

7. The thunder ecd in the valley, shaking the windows of nearby houses.(雷声在山谷中回响,震动了附近房屋的窗户。)

8. The orchestra's music ecd through the opera house, filling the hall with sound.(管弦乐队的音乐在歌剧院中回响,使大厅充满了声音。)

9. The children's laughter ecd in the playground, bringing joy to all who heard it.(孩子们的笑声在操场上回响,给所有听到它的人带来了快乐。)


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