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Lygus disponsi是什么意思 Lygus disponsi的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-18 11:29:42
  • 58

Lygus disponsi是什么意思 Lygus disponsi的读音、翻译、用法

'Lygus disponsi'是拉丁语,翻译为中文是“白缘椿象”。它是一种茶树害虫,主要危害茶树的新梢和嫩叶,造成茶树生长缓慢、叶片畸形、叶面泛黄等损害。防治方法包括采用化学农药、生物防治和采取物理防治等多种手段。

以下是9个含有'Lygus disponsi'的例句:

1. Lygus disponsi会对茶树造成严重的危害,需要采取有效的防治措施。

(中文翻译:The Lygus disponsi causes severe damage to tea trees and effective control measures need to be taken.)

2. 茶园中经常可见到Lygus disponsi的身影,应该及时采取措施控制其繁殖。

(中文翻译:The Lygus disponsi is often seen in tea gardens, and measures should be taken in a timely manner to control its reproduction.)

3. Lygus disponsi的昆虫数量众多,会导致茶叶的品质下降。

(中文翻译:The large number of Lygus disponsi insects will lead to a decrease in the quality of tea leaves.)

4. 我们需要注意Lygus disponsi的防治,避免对茶园造成影响。

(中文翻译:We need to pay attention to the control of Lygus disponsi to avoid its impact on tea gardens.)

5. 茶农可以采用生物防治的方法来控制Lygus disponsi的繁殖。

(中文翻译:Tea farmers can use biological control methods to control the reproduction of Lygus disponsi.)

6. Lygus disponsi受气候影响较大,需要根据气候变化采取相应的防治措施。

(中文翻译:The Lygus disponsi is greatly affected by the climate, and corresponding control measures should be taken according to climatic changes.)

7. Lygus disponsi的危害会对茶叶产量和品质产生不良影响。

(中文翻译:The damage caused by Lygus disponsi will have a negative impact on the yield and quality of tea.)

8. 在采取防治措施的一,应该充分考虑到Lygus disponsi的生态环境。

(中文翻译:In taking control measures, the ecological environment of Lygus disponsi should be fully considered.)

9. Lygus disponsi是茶树害虫中较为常见的一种,对茶园造成的危害不容忽视。

(中文翻译:The Lygus disponsi is a common pest in tea trees, and its harm to tea gardens cannot be ignored.)


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